5 spookiest pumpkin patches in World of Warcraft

A wise man once pointed out the farmers in Elwynn Forest grow pumpkins in a quantity which is, quite frankly, ludicrous. We’re coming up on Hallow’s End, which is not only the creepiest holiday of the year, but uses a ton or two of pumpkins during the celebration. Hopefully, this year Varian Wrynn will take the sudden influx of cash from selling one of the only two crops grown in his kingdom to finally pay off those Stonemasons.
The issue is, Elwynn is pretty much the least spooky place in the World of Warcraft. It is brightly lit, there are low polygon bunnies everywhere, and the most compelling story line involves love notes. Here are a few more places we’ve found pumpkins coming up in WoW, ranked by spookiness.
5. Stormwind Farm
It’s not technically Elwynn, so we’ll kick off this list with a farm right in Stormwind proper. It’s just as idyllic and not-spooky as the ones in Elwynn. It’s hard to think why it might be on a spooky list unless you remember the mass murdering cult that set up shop nearby, or the herbs here used to poison some guy during the Love Is In The Air holiday.
4. Halfhill
This area of Pandaria is both brightly lit and was our home for a bit, so it’s toward the top of our spooky stuff list. There are a few sentient pumpkins, which is always a bit creepy. These beauties are so large one is probably making its way to the former Lordaeron throne room.
3. Silverpine Forest
The Ivar Patch has always been a dangerous place. It used to be the home of mindless ghouls, but now it’s part of the ongoing battle for Gilneas between the Undead and the Worgen. The ambiance of the zone alone means we’re getting into maximum spookiness.
2. Tirisfal Glades
It’s been ten years. The Undead are here to stay. Why are you still growing pumpkins here? Collect some seeds and move.
1. Hillsbrad
The farmers of Hillsbrad put up a good fight, but the Undead finally took over their fields. At least these farmers had the good sense to get out of town, unlike the ones up in Tirisfal.
Wait. Those aren’t–they’re not pumpkins anymore.
Well, at least it still works for the list.
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