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The QueueMay 19, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: It’s always Thursday somewhere

Because Chrth just had to ask an extremely early Queue question, I created a draft of this post on Tuesday, at which point this title made sense. Sort of. Now that it is Thursday it makes less sense, but I’m already committed.

(I’m not really, but I’m too lazy to think up a new title.)

The header is courtesy of RetPallyJil and celebrates the ongoing wine-based arguments between Mitch and myself. Though we haven’t had a wine-based argument in a while… Hey, Mitch!


Q4tQ:   Which snek can you bloop it’s nose?

Liz: None! I am relatively sure you should never bloop a snake on the nose.

Mitch: Possible sneks whose noses can be blooped: sneks with kind eyes, sneks with puppy-dog smile, sneks that talk (unless Devil Snek), and sneks with really bloopable nose.*

* Note: Blizzard Watch does not encourage the blooping of any sneks and any such blooping that results in bodily or emotional harm is not the fault of Blizzard Watch or its affiliates.


Q4tQ: Do you set different goals for different alts in WoW? Like ‘this is my mount-collecting alt’ and ‘this is my pvp alt’ or do you try to do everything in every character?

Liz: It seems easier to do this stuff on one character — you’re always going to have one character that’s better geared or better suited for soloing dungeons for collectables. And with reputation grinds… you definitely want to consolidate.

Mitch: Anything that’s account-bound (like mounts or pets), I will farm on as many characters as I can because I want to be done as fast as I can. A notable example would be me farming Dragon Soul Heroic on 8 characters every week for the past few weeks. Anything that’s not really account-bound, like reputation, Brawler’s Guild, even gear, I’ll only do on my main unless I’m very bored.

Liz: Yeahhhhhh. The more characters to farm dungeons the better. Until your patience wears out. (Mine does pretty quickly.)


Q4tQ (Serious one, not a bait-y one to aggravate Liz)

With the removal of set bonus to gear from Mists and older (in the Beta at the moment), do you think we will end up at the point where some form of them will end up as character abilities, or do you think this trend will continue (to make things like Timewalking harder)?

Liz: Well, I appreciate that. I think.

Mitch: I don’t think that’s a goal of set-bonus removal, no. There may be a few cases where Blizzard decides they like a bonus they’re removing and says, “Hey, we could incorporate this into X” but if that happens, I really think it’s incidental to the removal.

Liz: I’m not particularly optimistic — Blizzard hasn’t done that kind of carte blanche removal/addition in the past.

Mitch: The removal is likely being done because Blizzard clearly hates fun.

Liz: I’m definitely bummed they’re going away because it was super fun to pull out old gear for Timewalking.

Mitch: Or maybe they just didn’t want Timewalking to become this incredibly complicated min/maxing experience.

Liz: Ugh, you and your making sense!


Q4tQ: Did you pick-up Chromie in Heroes yesterday?  What did you think?  I was super excited so I dropped some money on her.  I only had time to play a few AI games with her, but man she hits like a truck.  Don’t think you’re safe behind your gate if there’s a Chromie on the opposing team.

Liz: I want to because Chromie is my bae. But I can only make time for so many things in my life and Heroes playtime seems to keep falling to the bottom of the list.

Mitch: Heck yes I picked up Chromie! She is awesome. Her burst capability is insane because she not only hits like a truck but also because she has a huge range (especially if you talent for more). In a way, she reminds me of the old Nova (who was way more fun, Blizz) — she’s paper thin and can’t really escape if trapped, but you can’t always see her coming and if you let your guard down, she’ll nuke you into nothing. Fun story: I snuck up on an Abathur early into a game and W + Q’d him… he didn’t stand a chance.


What do you think the integration of many D3 styles and systems to WoW means for D3? Do you think this implies that D3 will sort of be staying where it’s at for a while, or that it’s sort of a testing ground for new ideas? People that enjoy Diablo seem to still be quite engaged with the game, do we even need a D4?

Liz: I really just think it implies that Diablo 3 had some fun ideas that players have enjoyed — and Blizzard’s keen on building on that success. All of that’s great in my book.

Mitch: I’m with Liz on this.  And it’s not just D3 ideas in other games; you’ll notice StarCraft 2’s co-op just took tavern brawl-esque ideas in its most recent patch, and Overwatch will be doing something similar.

Liz: I do still hope for another Diablo, though. It’s always been one of my favorite Blizzard games and there’s so much room for new stories in Sanctuary. (Seriously, Diablo has so much lore.)


Q4TQ: In the spirit of Two Bosses Enter …

What would happen if the Acherus chose to assault Dalaran? Who would win, and would either floating platform still be in the air?

(For the purpose of the question, presume that Dalaran isn’t populated with Heroes, just the Kirin Tor.)

Mitch: So… Like, they body slam each other?

Liz: Two cities enter… one city leaves!

Mitch: Look, Dalaran was destroyed in WC3, then put a giant shield around itself throughout Vanilla, then moved to Northrend, then had the inside sacked, then moved to the Broken Shore… plus, it’s much bigger. The way I see it, Dalaran puts its big shield up and then just slams full force into Acherus. Sure, it might lose a quarter or something, but it’ll survive.

Liz: Are we sure? This is what WoWWiki says about Acherus: “Built by the skeletal architect Obrahiim and said to be so powerful that not even the dread citadel of Naxxramas would be able to withstand a direct assault.” Can a skeleton city die?

Mitch: It uhh… It can be torn apart maybe.

Liz: I think the only way to settle this is to get some toy cars, call one Dalaran and one Acherus, and smash them together until one breaks. That’s the scientific method.

Mitch: Part of the BlizzCon podcast-and-wine?

Liz: Are you saying we need a bottle of wine for today’s livestream?

Mitch: Bring back brunch and streaming!

Liz: Mimosas for everyone!

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Filed Under: Q&a

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