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The QueueMay 27, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Potluck

World of Warcraft: Illidan

This Queue is a little different. Every question will be posed to a different source, so you get the freshest, hottest takes imaginable.

Let’s Queue this.

Ugh. That was awful. I gotta stop using that line.

I’ll never stop using that line.


Saying Bastion should be a skin because Tracer and Hammer exist sounds to me like saying Li-Ming should have been a skin because Jaina and Kael exist.

No. Just no. Let’s stop with that crap. We need actual Overwatch heroes in Heroes besides Tracer.

Widowmaker Nova has opened a terrible precedent.

Ragnaros, The Firelord: Mortal Insects, if Mei is not a playable hero in HotS your world will be consumed in flames!


Are Bodyguards still a thing in Legion?

Illidan Stormrage: They don’t appear to be, although since I have an immortal demon soul I don’t really need one as such.

What? Oh, yes. I do spent much of the expansion sealed up in crystal. Another reason I wouldn’t need a bodyguard. Did I ever tell you about how I beat Arthas? I totally did.


Back from the movie! Fire away with spoiler-free questions. I give it a 7/10

Farseer Nobundo: Am I in it?


I’m going to be honest: I read as much as I can about the way Legion is coming together, and all I am now is confused. I don’t have a good sense of what the hell Blizz is trying to do with the Artifacts, the relics, our personal progression… I don’t get why they threw glyphs out, much less why they essentially made an entire profession useless.

Jaina Proudmoore: Leaving my dissatisfaction with the direction the Alliance has chosen to take under the King of Stormwind’s ill-advised decisions, I did some investigation and as far as I can tell some of the functionality of minor glyphs (especially cosmetic ones) will still be available in Legion. There is currently no glyph tab on the Specialization and Talents window, that was replaced with Honor Talents.

Artifacts themselves are fairly simple to level up — instead of gaining new weapons as you level, items drop that you can use to increase the power of your Artifact, and as you approach max level means to unlock the Artifacts you’re not currently using become available. Relics are items that can be socketed into your Artifact — they increase the weapon’s item level and provide boosts to specific abilities the Artifact grants.

I’ll do more studying and try and get more details as they become available.


Q4tQ: Who Is your favorite OW character to play so far?

Not sure how it happend, but I am having a blast with Tracer!!! Got 21 kills and a play of the game last night!!

The team comp helped a lot with a Diva and Lucio doing their parts!!

Reaper: Mei.


Since I was super late to the last Queue…

Request for our transmog experts: Armor set for a male worgen Frost DK dual wielding the replica movie sword ^_^

Thassarian: I’d say give the Elementium Deathplate from heroic Firelands a shot. It’s got a nice gunmetal grey color to it that works well with Frost, in my opinion.


QftRossi: If we had more water mounts (other than the seahorses) and a couple more aquatic zones, what would you rather ride: smaller versions of a plesiosaur, nothasaur, or a mosasaurus, or something else completely different?

I know this isn’t a dinosaur question (these were actually lizards) but they were kinda fun to fantasize about for me.

Matthew Rossi: Wasn’t expecting a question for me.

I’d say, for a personal mount, I’d prefer an ichthyosaur like Ophthalmosaurus. They really don’t get nearly as much exposure as pliosaurs or  plesiosaurs, much less mosasaurs.

That’s the Queue for today. See y’all Tuesday.

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Filed Under: Potluck

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