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The QueueJun 1, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Money money money

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!


what’s the best way to turn garrison resources into gold?

The Trading Post is the only useful way to do that outside of gold follower missions. The Trading Post has an NPC which allows you to trade surplus garrison missions for crafting materials or, straight up, a small bag of gold. The NPC changes each day and the price-per-item is semi-randomized. I keep an eye on the vendor and buy things like fur and leather when they’re 4 resources each, because those are the items worth the most on my realm’s auction house. If ore, herbs, or enchanting dust are worth more on your realm, go for those.

If everything is absolutely worthless on your realm’s market (or you don’t want to bother with the auction house), the Smuggled Sack of Gold is 50 resources for a rough average of 15 gold each. That’s not a lot of gold, but if you’d otherwise be wasting resources, it’s something.


What will Demon Hunters do once the Burning Legion is defeated? All they suffer, given how they are made, may seem pointless once there are no more demons to kill. Maybe Illidan will lead up a weekly support group? Or can they be cured of their ailments? I secretly wonder if Wrathion has plans for them once the Legion is out of the way…maybe he will eat their hearts too.

Demons or not, I don’t think Azeroth has any shortage of evil crap for them to play with. They can rebrand and say “demon” isn’t literal, they just hunt bad stuff. Win for them, win for us!


What in-game events/activities (Warcraft) put a smile on your face even if you are not participating in them?

Example: When I see people fishing (especially in Ironforge or Dalaran)

After thinking about this for awhile, my answer is also fishing, but fishing out in the wilds rather than in a city. Stumbling across someone fishing at a little pond in the middle of nowhere, I immediately know they were looking for a little peace and solitude while they fish — whether they’re working toward a goal or not, they went somewhere peaceful to do it. I’ll stay out of their way and let them do what they wanna do without me disturbing them.

And if I’m out in the middle of nowhere fishing in peace, I hope people will leave me be, too.


What small, quality of life changes do you hope to see made for Overwatch over time

I’d love to be able to change my character skins during the character selection process during pre-game as opposed to having to leave the group and go back to the menu.

I’d like to see a wider range of heroes available for the AI to play in vs AI mode. In some ways, playing against the AI is a more useful test/practice environment than the practice ground which is basically just a firing range. But the AI can only play a total of 5 or 6 heroes. I’d like to learn how to deal with Tracer more efficiently, for example, but the AI can’t play her.


Do you have to be playing Elemental Shaman to acquire Mylra, or are the followers in Legion spec-independent?

I believe followers in Legion only depend on your class, not your spec. All Shaman will have the same followers, but Warriors will have a completely different set of followers, for example. As long as you’re a Shaman, you’ll have Mylra.


Since we’re talking movies again… Xmen Quicksilver or Ultron Quicksilver?

The only recent X-Men movie I’ve seen is Days of Future Past and the Quicksilver scene was the high point of that entire movie, and one of the best “speedster” scenes in live action superhero stuff period, so … X-Men.

If Quicksilver wasn’t in Ultron, nothing would’ve changed. Lame-o.

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