The Queue: You will not find a better written Queue

Mitch and I have slaved for hours over WordPress to craft this quality, artisanal Queue for you. Free range, organic, and packed with powerful antioxidants, this Queue is guaranteed to improve your Thursday.
And if not, well, you see that hammer I have in the header image? I think you can come to your own conclusions.
Today, as you can see, I will be answering your questions as my alternate ego the Blood Elf. She has the same color hair as my Gnome, so that’s basically the same as always, right? Right.
New hairstyles in legion? Is this true??
Liz: I’m afraid not… or at least not that I’ve heard or seen in the beta so far. (Though I, too, want to believe.)
Mitch: I have no idea about new hairstyles, sorry. I am very particular about my characters and once they have a hairstyle I like, it stays.
Liz: I like new hairstyles unless they’re awful. Video games and hair have problems. You get stiff helmets of hair that are just stuck on your character’s head, you get hair that would require an incomprehensible amount of hair gel to stay in place the way it does, you get hair that crops through your armor (or even your face).
Mitch: This is true. Unless you’re a Blood Elf. Those guys can do hair. Isn’t that right, Leggomyeggolas?
Liz: That stereotype offends me as a Blood Elf.
Can a druid get the artifact weapons for all four specs eventually? I only see mentions of a 2nd artifact weapon in guides online.
Mitch: Yes, Druids (and all classes) can get all of their artifact quests eventually. Last I checked, you unlock a new Artifact quest every two levels (though you may also need to do parts of your Class Campaign as well). Blizzard would have a bigger uproar than they did when they said Draenor wouldn’t have flying if they decided to limit classes to any fewer than all of their Artifacts.
Liz: I think this has changed; Dan was saying earlier today that his Druid unlocked everything at 102 (though he had to do the quests one at a time). Beta fun! But whenever you wind up being able to unlock them, you’ll be able to unlock them all in the end. And as was pointed out in the comments, we have an article for that!
Has anyone seen anything new, about Karazhan for Legion, that Blizzard has confirmed?
Liz: It’s there. And for some reason Dalaran’s hovering above it. I mean, I’m sure there’s a reason, I just don’t know what it is. It probably has something to do with magical ley lines
Mitch: Uhhh… I mean, the Balance Druid and Affliction Warlock quests (and maybe some others) take you inside a new area of Kara, while the general Legion introduction takes you to a separate instance of the old Kara. If you’re talking about the old test scenarios with Kara, that is likely what turned into the intro quest. If you’re talking about it being turned into any kind of new raid or full instance or something, no, we haven’t heard anything about that.
Liz: Oh, for a new Karazhan raid! Are you listening, here, Blizzard? Well, whether they are or they aren’t, Karazhan’s one of my all-time favorites and it was nice to venture back inside, if only briefly, in Legion.
Since the glyph UI is going away, and minor glyphs will go onto the spellbook, does this mean we have to purchase or make those minor glyphs again?
Mitch: Right now, yeah, you have to buy them as a one-time use sort of thing. When you transfer over a character, you don’t get all your existing glyphs turned into an item or anything; everything about the old glyph system is just gone. Personally, I don’t mind. As far as I can tell, the cost isn’t too high and it adds another little collectible for me to go after.
Liz: It feels like costs are going to be sky high for a while after launch, though.
Mitch: Really, though, when is that not the case?
Liz: True. Launch day ruins everything.
Mitch: Seriously, my strategy for the start of an expansion is, “Sell everything as quickly as possible!” I remember prices for Golden Lotus being several thousand at launch, and then a couple hundred like a week later.
Liz: Okay, launch day ruins everything unless you’re playing the auction house.
Two Bosses Enter: The Guardian Medivh (as Sargeras) vs The Nephelim Wizard from Diablo 3
Ed’s note: Liz manages to spoil the entire Warcraft movie for the sake of a joke. Well, maybe not the entire movie.
Mitch: Okay, at first, I was gonna give this to Medivh no question. I mean, come on, Sargeras. But since it’s not Sargeras himself and just Medivh with a bit of extra oomph, and because Wizards in Diablo 3 can reach crazy-high levels thanks to seasons… I’m actually gonna give this one to the Wizard. You know, assuming s/he is at the top of the leader boards.
Liz: It’s Sargeras! I mean come on. Sure, Diablo 3 is a complete anti-stat-squish game so damage numbers go up to infinity, but it’s Sargeras.
Mitch: Look, history says otherwise. That Medivh has been defeated before.
Liz: I refuse to accept the Warcraft movie’s interpretation of Khadgar beating Sargeras/Medivh with the power of friendship or whatever. I refuse. TLDR: Sargeras always wins.
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