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DiscussionJul 10, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: How are you picking your class for Legion?

I’m having a lot of trouble deciding just what class and spec I’ll be playing when Legion comes along. In large part my problem is that Legion class changes have left me pretty cold on my main… and I can’t figure out where to go from here. I originally thought I’d migrate back to the Holy Paladin that was my main until Cataclysm, but as Holydins have evolved through the alpha and beta, I’m no longer sold on that either.

Sure, there are lots of other classes that sound interesting, but picking one to focus on is the tough part.

Given my apparent indecisiveness, it’s possible that I’ll just keep playing my Monk… or possibly switch specs from Windwalker to Mistweaver. I still have a few weeks to decide, but I am starting to run short on time. I can’t waffle on this decision forever.

So tell me, readers, have you decided what you’ll be playing in Legion? And if so, how did you narrow it down? Are you holding on to your current main or have you decided it’s time to try something new?

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Filed Under: Legion

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