Latest Legion hotfixes include Trial of Valor adjustments

A relatively short list of hotfixes for patch 7.1 were released yesterday, including some adjustments to Trial of Valor encounters on all difficulty levels. Guarm has had its health reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty, but has also had the radius of Multi-Headed increased from 8 yards to 30 yards as well. Meanwhile, the Helya encounter has had more adjustments, including a correction to Fetid Rot that will prevent it from targeting more players than intended on non-Mythic difficulties. Also in the mix are a few class adjustments, some corrections for quests, and a change to Timewalking trinket scaling, bringing the trinkets in line with the power level of Legion trinkets. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
December 6
Demon Hunter
- Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the leech from Soul Rending to persist after Metamorphosis ended.
- Freezing Trap will no longer cause the target’s next cast to fail in certain cases.
- Ice Block’s cooldown will correctly reset at the end of an encounter.
- You can now activate and deactivate Shadowform while mounted.
Class Halls
- Players who were unable to submit Artifact Knowledge Work Orders should now be able to again.
Dungeons and Raids
- Players in a dungeon during a server shutdown should no longer receive the Deserter debuff.
Throne of Tides
- Fixed a bug that was causing Mindbender Ghur’sha to be non-interactable.
Trial of Valor
- The Patient Zero achievement should now be obtainable, as intended.
- Increased the radius of Guarm’s Multi-Headed from 8 yards to 30 yards on Mythic difficulty.
- Decreased Guarm’s health by 5% on Mythic difficulty.
Developers’ Notes: The Mythic difficulty change to the Multi-Headed mechanic is intended to require the use of 2 tanks on the encounter. We also slightly reduced Guarm’s health alongside this change in order to minimize the effect on groups that were accustomed to only using 1 tank. This is already active in the NA/ANZ region, and will take effect in other regions with their weekly restarts.
- The magnitude of Corrupted Axion’s healing absorb now properly scales down as the size of a raid decreases from 30 players to 10 players.
- Resolved an issue that would cause Fetid Rot from targeting more players than intended on non-Mythic difficulties.
- Reduced the health of several enemies in the Helya encounter on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- On non-Mythic difficulties, Adjusted Orb of Corrosion no longer targets Helya’s tank targets, similar to its behavior in Mythic difficulty.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Odyn to sometimes cast a lethal Unerring Blast during the final phase of the encounter.
- Many trinkets available from Timewalking holiday dungeons and vendors have had their effects adjusted to more closely match the power level of Legion trinkets.
Player versus Player
- Mass Invisibility can no longer be cast on allies holding battleground flags and orbs.
- Havi’s message when a player completes “Now That’s Just Clawful” will no longer be displayed to all players in the area.
- World Quest map markers for Kirin Tor World Quests should now function correctly.
- During “Barrels o’ Fun”, a swirling holy light now radiates from the barrel that needs to be tracked.
- Players no longer get roadblocked if they teleport out of Well of the Forgotten after interacting with the Bone Pile for the quest “The Rite of the Executioner”.
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