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DiscussionJan 19, 2017 8:00 am CT

Have you been fighting WoW’s world bosses?

Ana-Mouz, the final Legion world boss to make an appearance, is finally on live servers. Achievement chasers can finally mark off another completion. However, I’m curious how many players have actually been pursuing these world bosses. I was…at first. Then I stopped. I haven’t killed any of the world bosses in weeks. I probably won’t kill Ana-Mouz, either. Why? Laziness, honestly.

I didn’t get any loot off of any of the world bosses while I was killing them. Though I know loot is guaranteed — and I don’t even think it should be — I admit, I was demoralized by it. After awhile, I’d convinced myself I probably wouldn’t get loot next time, either. When a new week would start, I’d hover over the quest marker on my map, shrug, and move on. Eventually, I stopped looking at them entirely. I could kill them. Killing them isn’t even hard. I was just too lazy to do it and will continue to be do lazy to do it.

How about you? Have you been killing them? Get any good loot lately?

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