What do you think of Patch 7.2 so far?

Blizzard has started putting patch 7.2 on the PTR, testing out various features of the new patch like the Demon Assaults, the Pet Battle Dungeon, and best of all an update to tab targeting that will hopefully make it so when I hit tab I don’t target something that’s thirty yards away from me while six things are punching me in the face. That would certainly be nice.
Of course the patch is still in its extremely early stages of testing. But if you’ve had a chance to look at it, what’s your favorite change? New class animations? The class mounts (the Priest one is really interesting, in my opinion)? Making Court of Stars and the Arcway into heroic difficulty dungeons, as well as breaking Karazhan up into two heroic wings? The overall changes to dungeon difficulty and gear coming in 7.2? There’s a lot coming, what’s got your attention?
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