Lore Watch Episode 48: The evolution of Nathanos Marris

Welcome to episode 48 of Lore Watch! Lore Watch is a podcast that explores a single lore subject about the World of Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, or any other games that interest us. Join hosts Anne Stickney, Matthew Rossi, and Joe Perez for an in-depth look at the evolving stories of the games we all love.
This week our Lore Watchers Anne, Matt, and Joe take a look at the latest World of Warcraft short story Dark Mirror by Steve Danuser, and discuss everyone’s favorite grouchy Ranger Lord, Nathanos Blightcaller. What is his relationship with Sylvanas Windrunner? What dark ritual did he undergo in the process of getting his better – if still dead – new body? Where do the val’kyr fit into all of this, and is there a connection between Helya, the val’kyr, and the Lich King?
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