Are you ready for Argus?

The Tomb of Sargeras raid opened up on the 20th. We’ve already seen Kil’jaeden die and players have already started hitting up Mythic and LFR difficulties, although LFR won’t get to kill Kil’jaeden for a while yet. Still, we’re now looking forward to patch 7.3.
Last year’s BlizzCon promised us that said patch would take us to Argus. Details from the Kil’jaeden fight seem to bear that out. (Spoiler Warning: This link is the ending cinematic to the fight, and it’s a doozy, so be prepared for story spoilers if you click it.) That means… what? We don’t exactly know yet. If you watch that cinematic you see that something huge has changed, but what will it actually mean for 7.3? For Azeroth? For us?
Are we going to Argus? Will it be like a larger version of the Broken Shore or Tanaan Jungle? Something else entirely? At present we have very little idea. But we do know that our first view of the world where the Legion centers its portal network is almost at hand. What’s going to happen in 7.3? Frankly, at this point, your guess is as good as mine. So I ask you, what is your guess? What do you think we’re going to do on Argus? Are you ready?
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