Did you get what you wanted from the Midsummer Fire Festival?

The Midsummer Fire Festival has come and gone and I totally didn’t even notice this year. I don’t know how I managed it. Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of time in Dalaran since my character is an engineer and there’s an auction house there for her. The up side is that I never have to go back to Azeroth proper, but the down side is, I never go back to Azeroth proper and so I miss all the decorations.
“But Matt,” I imagine you saying, “There’s decorations in Dalaran.” If there are, I hadn’t noticed. Look, there’s a demon invasion going on. Far as I’m concerned all the elementals need to be pulling together to help us fight the Legion, not running around planning war between fire and frost. But regardless, Lord Ahune came back and you could get his staff.
So, did you run the Midsummer Fire Festival this year? Were you after the Deathfrost Illusion? The Staff? A nice looking cape? Maybe one of the new toys or pets? Did you get what you were looking for?
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