Talk Like a Pirate Day hits WoW and Hearthstone

September 19th is Pirate’s Day in WoW, and Hearthstone is celebrating with a little gold reward just for logging in today.
In World of Warcraft, the long-established Pirate’s Day holiday hasn’t seen many changes, but there is the new Jolly Roger toy… but it’s a bit hard to come by. Said toy is available for sale by Edward Techt, but only if you already have the time-consuming Avast Ye, Admiral! achievement completed. Otherwise, it’s the same day of frivolity and fun honoring murderous throatcutters who sailed the ocean burning and reaving, making widows and orphans of the families of the poor souls who they ransacked. Their victims’ only crime was the fact that they might have some wealth these dogs could make use of.
But hey, you get a flag now! You also get to kill a shark named Ol’Eary and have a beach party, so I’m thinking there’s been some drift between the actual age of piracy (which was always tied up in colonialism and the politics of empire between European powers) and the in-game holiday, which is clearly less about all those things and more about goofing off and having fun.
Beyond WoW, today’s the day to snag 100 free gold in Hearthstone, so don’t forget to hit that.
I won’t pretend I don’t feel like there could be more added, especially in Hearthstone — a special Pirate Day brawl, perhaps featuring Patches the Pirate or Skycap’n Kragg? Perhaps a buff to Captain’s Parrot for today, and today only? Nothing major, just a little bit of fun that was a bit more interesting than a little gold just for logging on. Something that rewards you for actually playing.
But I’m probably overthinking this. At any rate, the day is today. Get out there and engage in fun, frivolous and fictional piracy in your game of choice. Do not actually seize any ships or keelhaul anyone.
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