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PodcastSep 28, 2017 4:00 pm CT

Blizzard Watch Ep. 138: Potential Legion hints for the next expansion

Welcome to episode 138 of Blizzard Watch’s podcast! In this episode Matt, Anne, and Mitch have plenty to say on the games of Blizzard Entertainment while answering your reader emails. Join us every week on our twitch.tv page for the live show, and check back later on for the podcast on iTunes and other outlets. Have a question for the show? Just send an email to podcast@blizzardwatch.com!

If you’re an Overwatch fan, you may be interested in The Art of Overwatch, a new book filled with never-before-seen art from Blizzard’s newest franchise, as well as commentary from the Overwatch development team. Clocking in at over 350 pages of beautiful art and behind-the-scenes discussion, this hardcover volume is currently available for pre-order, and expected to release October 24.


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