Heroes of the StormNov 14, 2017 9:00 am CT
Alexstrasza enters the Nexus alongside this week’s free hero rotation
It’s a brand-new week and that means a brand-new free rotation in Heroes of the Storm. But, more excitingly, today should herald the arrival of dragon queen Alexstrasza. She’s been on the PTR for a week now, so Heroes follows the usual schedule she’ll hit the live game some time today. If you haven’t kept up with what this new support hero can do, check out her hero spotlight so you know what to expect when you log on.
And now on to the standard hero rotation for the week.
Free hero rotation
- Malfurion
- Valla
- Gazlowe
- Johanna
- Thrall
- Dehaka
- Arthas
- Falstad
- Cassia
- Kharazim
- Tassadar (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5)
- Kerrigan (Slot unlocked at Player Level 10)
- Sylvanas (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)
- D.va (Slot unlocked at Player Level 20)
Hero sales
- Illidan: 250 Gems
- Kerrigan: 250 Gems
Featured items
- Eredar Armor Illidan skin
- Earthbreaker Thrall skin
- Dark Seraphim Tyrael skin
- Terran Probius skin
- Crimson Cheerleader Kerrigan skin
- Shock L800 E.T.C. skin
- Feral Swarm Abathur skin
- Betrayer Malfurion skin
- Road Boar mount
- Leather Armored War Steed mount
Weekly brawl
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