The Queue: For Gnomeregan! (Part 2)
If we can agree on anything, we can agree on the fact that the Queue — and, really, the game — could use about a thousand times more Gnomes. Because, come on, Gnomes! We’re adorable, we’re deadly, and you really need to watch out for your ankles if you piss us off. What’s not to love?
Q4tQ: Are you a Kidnow, or a Squidnow?
I don’t even know what you kids are talking about half the time. Is this a Pokemon joke?
So I’m playing the Animal Crossing phone game and it left me wondering if maybe Blizzard could stand to make a more casual-themed relaxing phone game rather than the hypothetical moba/rts thing people start rumors about. I can’t take phone games too seriously because I’ve found touch screens unreliable and the hardware too variable. But, when all I’m trying to do is set out furniture or read funny stories it can be a lot of fun.
WoW does have a lot of game modes that could make for fun mobile games, and not all of them of the hyper-competitive sort. Mists of Pandaria had its farming and cooking tasks that could make a practical Farmville port. (But with fewer microtransactions, please.) Battle pets beg for a Pokemon Go-style game. Transmog already is an elaborate game of paper dolls that could be made into a crazy collecting game culminating in various Trial of Style scenarios. Building out our garrisons could be its own SimCity-style game. (Or maybe we could build our own Blizzard Worlds with a Rollercoaster Tycoon-style game?)
Seriously, the options are endless. If anything, I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t done more with mobile already.
Q4TQ: Is it wrong that I’m trying to convince my son to give me the Rowlet toy that came in his Happy Meal™ today?
Stealing toys from children is never wrong. I’m pretty sure that’s true.
(This may be why I don’t have kids.)
So uh… what’s happened to the website layout? Please tell me you didn’t take inspiration from the WoW website’s front page.
This was answered in the comments, but I thought I’d bring it up to get more attention. We’re testing out design changes to see how they work and what everyone likes. I, personally, am not a fan of this one, but we’re seeing how it does anyway.
I know Blizzard Watch (or that other site) used to have a leveling stream, but beyond that, has the staff ever thought of doing videos? Even just once a week?
I have noticed that there are YouTubers who don’t provide as much information, don’t have as much personality as the writers here (mean that in a good way!), and have more subscribers. Just wondering if this a medium that the staff has considered expanding into more.
We did have a leveling stream here! It was a ton of fun and I know a lot of people enjoyed watching it… but it was a lot of work to get a group of five of us together every week to play for two hours and not a ton of people were watching. It came down to the question of whether we could do something more useful with those hours… and the answer, at the time, was yes.
Adam and I were honestly just talking about doing more video. Video is big, but it takes a lot of time, and there are still only 24 hours in the day… and, well, all of us are writers. We just turned on subscriptions on Twitch (so Twitch Prime subscribers can support us for no extra cost), and we’re going to see how things go from there.
TLDR: We’d love to do more video content, but haven’t quite figured out how to make it work.
Belgium’s government has declared loot boxes a form of gambling and wants them banned in the EU.
Should be interesting to see how all this shakes out.
People who make waffles like that cannot be wrong.
Blizzard has already done some twisty-turny things so their loot boxes evade gambling rules in China, so I’m sure they can work something out here. Still, it will be interesting to watch it play out… and how this eventually impacts American regions.
Also now I want waffles. Thanks, Geoff.
FYI: boosts don’t have to be used on the same wow accounts that they’re obtained on. So you can effectively boost for $35 right now. Note: there is an 8-account limit for a Bnet account.
I just thought this was worth pointing out. With WoW and Legion both on sale right now, you could do some cheap level boosting, as confirmed by an EU forum mod.
That’s all for today, folks! Please leave plenty of pre-Thanksgiving questions here for tomorrow, when Anne will be here to answer your questions (so make ’em juicy lore questions). Happy early Thanksgiving, fellow Americans and happy Wednesday to everyone else!
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