The Queue: Discord Strike
I hope you find the title as clever as I do.
Here’s The Queue.
Mitch, why do you serve the old gods?
I serve them because they are patient. They are clever. They know how to manipulate, but they do so in a way that isn’t obvious to you until it’s too late. They have survived millennia, and they will continue to survive. To side with them is to serve the inevitable victor. Why wouldn’t I serve the Old Gods?
(Also, purple is cool. Also also tentacles.)
Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near?
Why do stars fall down from the sky everytime you walk by?
Those birds are actually the Thaumaturgist’s Orb. I make sure to use it as often as I can so as to be surrounded by my shadowy raven friends. As for the stars falling from the side, that must be the Balance Druid that keeps stalking me.
Do we know if Blizzard tracks transmog data and uses that to guide their decisions on future gear appearances? For example, “Hmm, lots of people are using the armor bikini looks, maybe we should make more of that.”
We don’t know, but I’m pretty confident that they at least have those statistics somewhere. However, I’m less confident they use those to guide future appearances. Typically, they seem to theme armor appearances around the zones from which they come. Plus, the art team seems to like to experiment with new things, at least when it comes to new expansions.
Granted, Tomb of Sargeras was specifically a throwback to Tier 6 — which I know is pretty popular for a lot of classes. There might be some inspiration here and there, but I don’t think they go out of there way to make new armor look like old stuff. But that’s just a guess!
@Mitch what are your feeligns on nomi
Okay, being completely honest here… I haven’t utilized Nomi since the first few weeks of the expansion. Outside of professions being too much extra for what time I have to play, I’d heard enough horror stories to basically opt out of anything Nomi-related.
That said, I find Nomi’s horribleness hilarious. We’re the ones who taught him, guys. We can only blame ourselves.
I’m planning on leveling an Alliance alt and a new Forsaken before BfA releases. What’s a good strategy for contributing to the PTR without totally burning out on leveling? I like leveling, but generally at pretty wide intervals.
I tend to burn out on leveling pretty quickly, so I get the sentiment here. And while this might not be the most concrete advice, it’s how I approach it: Just level when you’re in the mood for it. Don’t force it. If you’re bored on live servers, hop over to the PTR and start leveling. If that doesn’t hold your attention, stop.
And if you have something to watch on Netflix, or a podcast to listen to, do that while you level. It can make leveling itself a secondary, somewhat mindless activity — and if it turns to a more active process, there’s your PTR feedback!
Hope that helps :)
For the longest time, I had everything from the Priest Tier 3 — which started being sold in Mists on the BMAH — besides the chest piece. There maybe was one time I saw it? But I was outbid.
It took until partway into Warlords before I saw it again, and I had to take loans from several totally awesome raid members to win it. I was so happy when I finished that set.
As for now? I’m actually pretty happy with my Priest’s collection. My Rogue has one of the Warglaives off Illidan, though, and my Demon Hunter has the opposite one. I’d like to actually have both of those on one character, not gonna lie.
On my Paladin, I’ve got my Ardent Defender down to a 1.1 minute cooldown, which is amazing. Once I lose Truthguard, this and other empowerments vanish. Is there any indication the new system will approach the same impact to abilities, or are we looking at a similar experience as Inscription’s nerf to nothing more than novelty?
I wish I had a better answer, but right now, there isn’t any indication. We won’t really know much about the systems of Battle for Azeroth until we actually have the alpha/beta.
I don’t think Blizzard wants to seriously nerf anything or fundamentally change how things feel right now, but Shadow Priests didn’t have Void Torrent at BlizzCon, and that’s a pretty important ability in Legion. Maybe that’ll change over time, but right now… we don’t know. Sorry!
is it already known when the first allied races are coming
It is not! I suspect we’ll see something akin to the Demon Hunters — which arrived before Legion — since we’ve seen a lot of Allied Races’ information appear on the 7.3.5 PTR. That, however, is just my guess.
Would you ever sign up with a pro-Old God’s faction?
I mean… I don’t think I have to answer this (because I sort of did with the first question), but I absolutely would. The caveat to this answer is that I wouldn’t particularly enjoy doing so if it meant taking arms against the Dark Lady.
But she’d probably be cool with coexistence if the Old Gods helped her make more Forsaken, so. Yeah.
That’s today’s Queue.
Happy Tuesday, folks.
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