Heroes of the StormFeb 13, 2018 9:00 am CT
Blaze joins the free Heroes of the Storm rotation this week

With Maiev arriving in Heroes of the Storm just last week, the Nexus holds little news for us this week. However, Lunar Festival is still ongoing until March 5. The Lunar Festival brawl, Lunar Rocket Racing, is also up and running, so check it out while you can.
Lunar Festival aside, perhaps the most exciting things happening this week is, if you don’t already own Blaze, he’s making his first appearance on the free hero rotation. He’s a solid Warrior and a lot of fun, so make sure you check him out before the week concludes.
Free Hero Rotation
- Li Li
- E.T.C.
- Zagara
- The Butcher
- Kael’thas
- Artanis
- Tyrael
- Zul’jin
- Rehgar
- Varian
- Junkrat (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5)
- Azmodan (Slot unlocked at Player Level 10)
- Genji (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)
- Blaze (Slot unlocked at Player Level 20)
Hero Sales
- Ana — 375 Gems
- Arthas — 312 Gems
- Rexxar — 250 Gems
Featured Items
- Agent Shrike
- Death God Arthas
- Shadow Patriarch Kharazim
- Pearl High Templar Zeratul
- Daelaam Artanis
- Dream Genie Chromie
- Oni Genji
- High King Magni Muradin
- Mystic Kingdoms Arthas
- Fire Raider Rexxar
- Garnet Heart Stone
- Crimson Felsaber Demon
- Raider Cyber Ram
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