Extreme soloing has been taken to a new level with this 3-man Argus kill

In an unlikely and frankly, incredibly impressive feat, three players have managed to take on Antorus and clear it with a 3-man Argus kill that has to be seen to be believed. Players Durendil, Rextroy, and Yenko started their journey back in April with a 3-man kill of Garothi Worldbreaker, and continued on from there. The only exception to the three-man clear was Varimathras, who requires far too much DPS for three players to put out. But the rest of Antorus? That was fair game. Wowhead has some thoughts from all three players on finally completing their project.
All bosses were completed in Normal mode, but even with the reduced difficulty, it’s crazy to see just how well a good team can pull off clears like this in current content. Durendil has a full playlist of the entire set of trio kills over on YouTube — it’s worth checking out. The group also wrote a guide for players wanting to try the experience for themselves over on Wowhead, including details about each boss fight and the preparations required to take it on.
It’s not unusual to see players start tackling impossible tasks at the end of an expansion. When you’ve run out of things to do, you start coming up with ideas on your own. But most players save the soloing attempts for later expansions — although there’s always been exceptions like Mione, who has an impressive track record of current-content solo kills. Antorus, with its punishing DPS checks and enrage timers, required a little more work, and a couple more players to complete.
The amount of planning this takes is a little unreal, but the effort paid off. It’s pretty crazy what you can pull off with careful planning, persistence, and a little stubborn determination. For more details on the run, be sure to check out Wowhead. And if you’d like to try soloing some content for yourself, you’re in luck — Durendil’s no stranger to soloing, having written a guide on getting started with soloing content in general, and an excellent in-depth guide on Hunter soloing as well.
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