The Queue: Weather’s always nice inside my head

Happy Tuesday! I hope the world is treating you all well and the Old Gods are smiling at you with at least one of their mouths.
Let’s Queue.
2BE: The San’layn vs The Blood Trolls
Overall, I like the San’layn more because they’re vampire baddies who are tied to the Lich King. But I have to give credit where its due — the Blood Trolls do a fantastic job of living up to their title. Nazmir has so. much. blood. It’s disgusting and great, and I maintain that the Blood Trolls alone would have pushed BFA to an “M” rating if the graphics in WoW weren’t so cartoony.
Hey who do you like waching for WoW content creators? I think Taliesin and Evitel are probably a pretty popular channel with folks like us, as well as (possibly serial killer???) Bellular.
My favourite is probably Preach though. Mostly for the sweet sweet Drama time stories lol
I knew of T&E a long while back, but I didn’t really get into their videos until a few months ago. I’m a huge fan of them and highly recommend for anyone interested in the WoWosphere. I think part of the reason I like ’em — outside of Taliesin’s accent — is because they don’t overwhelm me with videos. I have nothing against content creators making tons of videos, mind you! I just don’t have the time to watch a whole lot, and T&E doling it out once or twice per week works really well for me.
Q4TQ: Hey Mitch, what’s up! How you doin’ these days?
Q4TQ: Why did nothing change on Azeroth while we were on Argus during the events of 7.3? I made some calculations with the assumption that we spent a total of two months on Argus and it should add up to 5 or 6 years time on Azeroth. Was Argus actually pulled out of the Twisting Nether when the rift opened or did Blizzard just decide to ignore the whole time passes at a different rate thing for the sake of not complicating things?
Oh hey there. Pretty much the same as always — ups and downs, but not enough of either to make me sing/complain. And hey, I’ll take that over being sad all the time!
When you say 2 months on Argus = 5 to 6 years on Azeroth, are you basing that on how long Alleria and Turalyon were gone from their points of view? I’m assuming so. And, really, that’s not something I had considered before, but it’s an excellent point. The simple answer is yeah, Blizzard didn’t want to complicate things by adding a temporal aspect to our travels. But if you want something potentially more satisfying, remember that Alleria and Turalyon didn’t originally reach Argus the same way we did.
It makes sense that Illidan ripping a hole in reality to bring Argus to us would remove any temporal shenanigans, but we also have Mage portals on the Vindicaar. I don’t really know how those work, but if we can use them to travel to and from an alternate-reality Draenor that’s also 30 years in the past, I don’t see why the Mages couldn’t just go, “Eh, let’s make sure these portals on the Vindicaar take us when we want to go.”
Q4tQ: Why did Garrosh convince Grommash to build the portal and invade Azeroth?
With the Legion being driven back (at least they thought it was), Draenor wasn’t dying and they didn’t need to find new land.
Was it just revenge on Garrosh’s part?
Garrosh is prideful. He lost in the Siege of Orgrimmar and wanted to show us that it wasn’t the end for him. So yeah, I imagine he did it for revenge. But in another way, he may have seen it as an opportunity to fix arguably the worst decision the Orcs have ever made. “We will never be slaves, but we will be conquerors.”
Orcs are, at the end of the day, a very war-focused race. If Garrosh has the chance to redeem his father’s mistake, redeem the Orcs, and redeem himself for losing to us? Why wouldn’t he take that chance?
Gosh, I hope the next expansion is void related. i’d love to see more alien zones like we saw in Outland and Argus.
I’m kind of wondering if Blizzard is just going to keep doing what they did in Legion and not actually have an entire expansion be anything-related. Like, the end of Legion is not even close to what we had with the Broken Isles at the start, and it’s looking like BFA might be the same for Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Basically, I think what would define an expansion as “Void-related” is the initial questing experience — those zones, while not necessarily the end point of an expansion, still get the lion’s share of an expansion’s focus. And in that case, heck yeah! Leaning into the sci-fi aspects of WoW lets Blizzard really go wild with zone design, and I’d love to see more of that.
Wouldn’t that mean that technically, no he is not an Old God? If it was just a failed experiment by the Titans that then got some of the same powers as Old Gods it still wouldn’t be an Old God. Old Gods, how I imagine it, are like sweat from Void Lords they flung at the universe, since G’huun isn’t a part of a Void Lord can he be classified as such?
I actually got into a big discussion with Anne and Rossi about this not long ago. The game calls him an Old God in no uncertain terms, which… it’s hard to argue with that. But I still don’t like the idea of G’huun being an Old God. Maybe he’s Old God adjacent. Maybe he’s some sort of odd sub-classification of Old God. But calling him an Old God? Bleh. I don’t like that, Blizz.
Question: I have a few heirloom pieces I can’t transmog over (at level 22). Why is that? This mail chest piece – Preened Ironfeather is at level 60 still – Does it have to be upgraded to work? All my other heirlooms will transmog so I don’t understand why this one won’t.
Y’know, I was going to suggest that maybe you don’t have pieces of transmog that can be used yet, since you’re only level 22… but I think Blizz changed that, didn’t they? Used to be, if a piece required level 25 to wear, you’d have to be level 25 to see it in your transmog options. But I’m pretty sure anything sub-60 is fair game now, so it’s a big ol’ /shrug from me. Sorry!
Q4TQ: Should I feel bad for not contributing to the warfront effort? I have a few toons that can do them. I’ve never contributed. But collecting 870 gear for 15-20 minutes of not doing much is pretty nice! I feel Blizzard is encouraging bad player habits like mine. lol
Please direct me to this 870 gear. I could use the massive ilvl bump.
But in all seriousness, the Warfront is still going to turn over. I’m of the opinion that, maybe with group content as an exception, you shouldn’t feel bad about playing a game how you want to play that game. And no, a group contribution effort is not the same as a coordinated 5-man dungeon team or a raid team where your performance can directly impact others’ success.
That’s it for today! I can’t remember if Liz is still doing The Queue tomorrow, but ask her lots of questions anyhow.
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