The Queue: The good old Monday faceplant

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
I can’t believe it took me this long to discover that stunning a giant snake causes it to do some kind of weird paralyzed plank. Sapping it is entertaining enough, but what’s even better is throwing a bunch of stuns in with your regular rotation — it’s like witnessing a round of armless pushups on fast forward. Odd serpentine antics aside, it’s Monday — which means we should probably get around to answering your questions!
Q4tQ: This queue by Ashkandi makes me wonder: what are some of your favorite non-Legendary/less popular weapons?
Look, I don’t exactly have a lot of room to talk here, mainly because I mostly play an Assassination Rogue which means my weapon choices are limited to daggers, daggers, and…daggers. However, I do have a favorite — it’s the Ebon Shiv, crafted by Blacksmiths and equippable at a lowly level 46. There are other weapons that use the same model, but I believe the Ebon Shiv is the earliest one you can get. It’s silver, which I like, but what I really love about it is that it has these lovely black etchings along the blade, crossguard, and handle. It’s simple, but it’s pretty, and I appreciate that.
Will the Zandalar assault come back around before the emissary ends?
Since you asked this a couple of days ago, I’m pretty sure you already got your answer. However, just because people might not be aware and it’s relevant to this particular question — Wowhead has timers for just about everything on its front page. That includes faction assaults. If one is running, it’ll let you know where. And if there aren’t any running currently, it’ll let you know what time another one will pop up.
It will not, however, tell you where the next one is going to pop up. That’s because it’s pretty much in random order, and while Wowhead is full of magicians when it comes to extracting data, they are not, to my knowledge, psychic. But hey, it’s a handy timer regardless!
QftQ: If Zidormi came around and gave you an option for turning an entire zone to “peacetime” (as a result of completing Loremaster and all requisite quests) would you enjoy that? I don’t think Blizzard will ever really put in the resources to do this sort of thing, but it’d be sorta cool because you would be able to just wander around without worrying about too many hostile mobs (rare mobs might still be up, though they’re usually just minding their own business anyway) and you can kinda enjoy what you accomplished (look, everybody’s having fun and nobody’s being hit by boulders thrown by ettins!).
This is kind of the thing I wish would happen once an expansion is over with, to be honest — the world flips to reflect the changes you’ve made to it, and you can talk to a bronze dragon if you’d like to go back and take care of any unfinished business. I mean it might seem like a useless effort to some, but I know the RP realms would be delighted if that were an option. Plus, it would add an layer of satisfaction to the end of an expansion. You leave it feeling like you’ve really accomplished something, you know? Part of what bothered me about Mists — and still bothers me, sometimes — is that we thoroughly wrecked a gigantic chunk of the continent, and then we just…moved on. The Vale is still a mess, despite what we did in Siege of Orgrimmar. It always felt vaguely like visiting a stranger’s house, smashing up their kitchen and then just kind of taking off without bothering to help clean up the mess.
Q4tQ: Do you think Bolvar sent Daenistrasz to raise the body of Derek Proudmoore? If so, why do you think he would have done that? Derek’s body was remarkably well preserved for being at the bottom of the ocean for decades. (Wikipedia says thirty years; I don’t know where they got that number).
The Second War happened in year 6 in the timeline — we’re currently in year…probably 33 or 34, depending on whether or not Warlords/Legion took place over the course of two years or three. Typically each expansion takes place over the course of one year in game time. Mists was two years in-game, but it was an exception, really.
However, going back to your question…well, that’s certainly a very good question, isn’t it? Why would the Lich King want anything to do with the body of Derek Proudmoore, particularly since the emergence of said body did nothing but further fan the flames of war between Kul Tiras and Zandalar, not to mention the Alliance and Horde? I don’t have a solid answer for you here. What I do have, however, is a statement.
Bad things tend to happen in the background while we’re distracted with fighting each other.
Q4TQ: what would you do / how would you react if the Big Love Rocket dropped for you? (Assuming such a thing is possible.)
I would be genuinely shocked, probably post a screenshot to Twitter and then never look at it again. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad mount — it just doesn’t suit my personal style in regards to what my characters like to ride around on. This is probably because #1, I pick and choose what mounts to use based on transmog, and what my character’s backstory happens to be, and #2, I’m weird.
For the record, I’m still farming for it. I’m not as cutthroat about it as people with tons of alts, but I’m doing the dungeon every day. But it’s not really that I want the mount so much as it would add to my mount total for achievements.
I was thinking about the future of WoW and the formula we seem to be seeing repeated with expansions. Does anyone hunger for a drastically different approach to content release just for the sake of change?
I can’t really speak for anyone else, but I’m pretty happy with how content is being pushed out right now. Legion really hit on a good pace as far as releasing patches — it was a far, far cry from what we saw in Warlords. I don’t really feel like Blizzard needs to make a “drastic change” here because Legion really was a drastic change from Warlords. As far as Battle for Azeroth goes, each patch has had a pretty good amount of content, both story and non — and the story keeps getting little twists along the way.
There are currently a handful of characters I definitely was not expecting to see this expansion, and meanwhile we have characters from Before the Storm that are still waiting in the wings. There are a variety of directions the story could go at this point. I feel like people are getting fixed on a singular path/outcome with the narrative this expansion, because that singular path looks very, very similar to a story we’ve seen before. I don’t think that’s where Blizzard is headed with this one. There are too many outliers at this point.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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