The Queue: Everyone is on time out
I’ve had a Queue title and theme all ready to go for today since Monday. Then I got to the comments on yesterday’s Queue and you guys asked about 5 pages of “Two Bosses Enter” questions and almost nothing else.
So you know what? You guys are on time out. You’re getting answers to the same number of questions you usually get (eight), and they’re pretty much all going to be about bosses entering. This is on you.
Sighs. Let’s Queue.
PS: Fantastic Queue header today is a cropped (sheered?) version of this very good art by @chootalks.
2BE: Tifa Lockhart vs. Aeris Gainsborough
I think you mean Aerith. Also, it totally depends on how far you are in the game when you’re asking this question. Because while it would be pretty unfair to pit a corpse against Tifa, it would also be an easy win for Tifa. Before that? Also probably a pretty easy win for Tifa.
Seriously, have you seen her in the new trailer? I don’t remember liking her in the original, but two seconds into the trailer and I had a new video game crush.
RIP Aerith/Aeris.
2BE: Cloud Strife vs Clouds
It depends what Cloud’s sword is made out of as well as what type of clouds we’re talking about. Cumulonimbus clouds closing in on a metal sword mean Cloud Strife stands little chance of surviving. Sure, he may make it through the first lightning strike if he’s lucky, but he’ll probably end up dead not long after the cloud sets its sights on him.
RIP Cloud. Cloud is the victor.
2BE: Mitch vs Final Fantasy inspired 2BEs
It depends how many complaints this Queue gets in the comments. Y’all may have been the ones asking all these, but I’m still the one who chose to write The Queue how it is. So, if you’re mad, 2BEs win.
RIP Mitch.
6BE: Fantastic Max vs Mighty Max vs Max Headroom vs Mad Max vs Montana Max vs Max Goof
I only know a couple of these, but Mighty Max holds a very strong place in my heart. It’s a TV show I watched as a kid intermittently, then one whose name I forgot and was really sad for forgetting and not being able to find, to finally one whose name I found and rediscovered all over again. So it wins.
RIP Max, Max, Max, Max, and Max. Max is the winner.
2BE: Triforce vs. Dragonforce
One of those things is still impressive and producing new things after all this time.
2QueuviansEnter: RJ vs. RC
There is no winner here. But there are definitely more non-winners than RJ and RC.
RIP all of us.
ElainedeShalott: It should be tagged “Queue, No” instead of “Mitch, No”
queen dillene: You know, work got very hectic this afternoon and I was obliged to skip most of the Queue. Now I see that it may have been a blessing in disguise. Which poor sap has to write the Queue tomorrow?
It is going to be.
Me. I do.
QftQ: Will BlizzardWatch turn into “GamesWatch” or similar ?
When I read The Queue I notice a lot more talk about Non-Blizz games
than before. Which is great. I often just don’t know what you’re talking about :-)
It seems that the Blizzard main tank, WoW, has lost subscribers and attention.
I see a lot of people here going, “well, I’m currently unsubscribed, but…….”
And when I see the Off Topics (which are so great b.t.w.) it’s a lot about Non-Blizz games.
(By nature it won’t be about Blizz games if the O.T is about games but .., you know what I mean :D)
Which is also totally cool. I’m just asking ……… where are we (you) going ?
We’re approaching four months since Adam made the big announcement about Off Topic content, and while you and he probably have more specific opinions/insight on the points in there, the main part of your question is that Blizzard Watch is going in a broader direction.
I don’t want to beat a dead horse here (RIP horse), but the expansion of the site — while certainly tied to Blizzard-related trends — is more about our desire to do more for as long as we can. We all love games (and dinosaurs), so it would be silly to not talk about them when we want. If that helps the site grow in the process? Even better.
If you have more questions, you can always contact us (or, if you don’t like forms, email us at [email protected]).
All right, that’s it. You got a bunch of boss-entering questions answered and I still have a supply of like two dozen left for the future. Please leave actual questions for Rossi so he doesn’t implode (RIP Rossi).
Oh, and happy Thursday, folks.
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