How to find a group in WoW Classic

WoW Classic adds back the challenge of finding people to play with. There’s no Dungeon Finder and there’s no Group Finder: just people traveling around Azeroth doing the same stuff you’re doing.
Recently, Blizzard announced its plans to crack down on any addons — like ClassicLFG — that attempt to streamline the social process of finding a group. It hurts the core experience that the game is trying to replicate by allowing people to easily look for groups in global chat channels.
Although the addon still works at the moment, you should start finding new ways to find allies.
The easiest way to find a group is to ask for a group
Tracking down a group can be something as easy as asking for an invite around a quest area in the open world or typing in general chat. You can also type /join LookingForGroup to join the LFG channel and ask for groups there, but keep in mind that the LFG channel is zone-specific like general chat, so your results may vary. Dungeon groups, particularly later in the game, can be hard to find in chat channels without going to a major city to catch the attention of everyone sitting in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
But typically general chat is where most people are at, and it’s where you’re most likely to see group invites. Most people at the moment are working on the same quests as everyone else, so they’ll likely be willing to invite someone to make it all go faster. And when you’re grouping up to quest inside a zone, the zone-specific chat channels work pretty well.
Expand your grouping opportunities with guilds and Discord
If that doesn’t work, you can join a guild pretty easily and ask them for assistance. In my short time playing, there were already people running around in the same big guild that were offering to help each other out. There’s an official guild recruitment forum if you want to see the whole of what’s available too.
Outside the game, there’s the Reddit /r/WoW Discord channel as well as our own. You can join and mention your server and faction to see if anyone is around to help. Reddit has compiled a list of server-specific Discords for anyone looking for help too. Hopefully more will be added to match the influx of servers added to the game.
Groups don’t always form fast
Don’t expect instant results with any of these methods. That’s how the original game was, and it’s how this new version of it is designed to be. Everything takes time, but with patience you’ll find some people to help you out with that dungeon, quest, or grind you’re working on.
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