The Queue: A Christmas Wish

Some of us don’t celebrate the holidays due to being of a different religion or not any religion. Still others have personal reasons — a lost loved one, a personal philosophical decision, a change of heart — why they don’t or can’t. For much of my life, from the time my mother died in 1990 until 2006, I didn’t celebrate. Now, I mostly do just so I don’t ruin the day for my wife.
If for any reason you don’t or can’t celebrate, I hope that you have as good a day today as is possible for you. If you do celebrate? I wish the exact same thing for you. If I could, I would make today painless and festive for everyone, no matter what. But since I can’t, let’s embark on a Queue together.
Q4tQ: can I take a nap? It is slow at the office today.
I’m not one for telling people what to do. I trust you to make the right decision.
Liz swapped her Queue day from Wednesday to Friday… the week before the big holidays fell on Wednesday. Coincidence? Or a way to ask for those days off?
Actually, I asked Liz to switch days with me.
What do you think of the 8.3 armor sets and weapons?
Awesome? Creepy? Disgusting? Awesomely creepy? Insane? Crazy? Ugly? Cool?
I do not like them, Red you are
I do not like them from afar
I do not like them on a tank
When I saw them my heart sank
I do not like patch 8.3’s looks
I would not save them from a brook
Q4thepossibleQtomorrow: what’s your favorite alternate world/story from HotS skins you’d like to see more of? They’ve got a couple fairly big groups of some now, like the “space” wars one, and the “flipped history” ones for WoW characters which I think may be my personal favorite. The techno/cyberpunk ones are pretty interesting, too, ‘cuz they’re for characters that are pretty far removed from anything remotely techy normally.
Either the one where Malfurion was the Betrayer, Illidan was the Shan’do and Tyrande is a Warden hunting down Malfurion for all eternity, or the one where Thrall goes super-duper evil and Legiony.
Q4Rossi: If Blizzard were to create a new playable race based on Prehistoric lifeforms, what would you like it to be? Andrewsarchus, Sarcosuchus, Arthropleura, Meganeura, something else? Thanks. And Merry Christmas.
This is Inostrancevia, a Gorgonopsid Therapsid predator from before the Permian Extinction Event. Therapsids are the group that leads to mammals — technically, all living mammals are therapsids, although Inostrancevia wasn’t a mammal, or even ancestral to mammals — think of him as a cousin.
If I were given carte blanche to design a World of Warcraft zone? It would be chock full of various prehistoric therapsids like Inostrancevia, or Moschops, or even Kannemeyeria. And yes, I’d put in a big Gorgonopsid inspired playable race.
Okay, everybody.
Thank you very much for all the support over the years — we’re on year four of Blizzard Watch, going into year five this February. It couldn’t have happened without all of you. We dearly appreciate it.
I hope you are all well. Take care, everyone.
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