The Queue: Dizzy
It’s an in joke. You wouldn’t get it.
On a recent episode Matthew Rossi mentioned that he didn’t like FFXIV and was curious about what aspect of the game he didn’t like. For me, having story elements tied to almost every system, some amazing transmog, including Plate sets that aren’t bulky, and a plethora of content to explore, it really hits a lot of notes, for me, that WoW used to hit, but no longer does.
I have never really gotten into the whole Final Fantasy series — it’s not a game series that touches me. I don’t really have a big critique for you — there’s nothing I find particularly bad or lacking about FFXIV, but nothing about it that makes me want to play it. That’s all.
NQAQ (not-quite-a-question):
After rewatching the Battle of Orgrimmar cutscenes on an alt, I totally ship Shandris and Lor’themar. Anyone else?
Not after they published a whole story about Lor’themar and Thalyssra, no. Before that, I honestly dig Shandris on her own — I feel like she’s a pretty awesome character and if my Warrior had a bit of a crush on her, it was one she’d never act on. Except maybe in a sempai noticed me sort of way. Shandris had that whole thing with Jared Shadowsong that never went anywhere, then ten thousand years of her own stuff to deal with while he ran off with some priestess, so who knows? Maybe she’ll get together with Maiev. That would be delightfully awkward.
But I’d take a story where we just get to see Shandris making Keeshan feel like a five year old over and over again.
Dear sweet Elune, do not do this.
Do not ever do this.
Just don’t do it. Sure, that specific person might be fine with it, but you don’t know what they’re feeling at that moment. Just say hi, ask how they’re doing, let them talk or not talk without basically suggesting that you’re monitoring them.
I have seen a pregnant woman slap a man in the face so hard blood shot onto the wall from doing this. I honestly thought she might kill him.
Q4tQ: What is the weirdest place Blizz could take us to in WoW before you drew the line?
It’s not what they do. It’s how they do it.
If you’d asked me how I would feel about going to an alternate Draenor before they did it, I would have said it was berserk. But now that I played through that expansion, the only thing I didn’t like about it was the way it felt like it stalled out — like Blizzard simply lost the thread on what they wanted to do with it, and ended up with a whole year of nothing when there should have been more content. Pandaria? We’re going to a continent full of Pandas? I ended up loving that. Battle for Azeroth sounded like it would be my favorite expansion, and while I did like it, some of the choices they made in terms of how they delivered content were not to my liking.
So if Blizzard dropped us on Sanctuary, I would reserve judgement until I got to play it. I don’t think they can go too far as long as the experience delivers what I want from it. And even places I love and have wanted for years might disappoint, if they don’t deliver that experience.
So yeah, I’d play World of Warcraft: Overwatch Falls where we take our WoW characters to Earth and raid Talon, if the story and experience ended up being fun. I’d play WoW: Barbie Horse Adventures if the story grabbed me.
A Gorgonopsid. Maybe Inostrancevia or Rubidgea.
I’m thinking it’s also time for me to probably see what all the fuss is on Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I’ve had it almost a year and still haven’t started it.
Okay, that’s the Queue for Wednesday, June 10th. Take care, everyone.
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