The Queue: !

Hi! I’m feeling excitable! Or maybe panicked! Is that a monster?!? It could be! I don’t even know!
Let’s talk about stuff!
I won’t be able to really answer this question until the game goes live and we’ve lived with it for a while, but honestly I haven’t really noticed it up to this point. But I gotta admit, seven different kinds of currency at launch seems kind of nuts to me.
D&D Q4tQ: How do you feel about Artificer being incorporated into the core D&D classes? Do you have concerns about the “tweaks” to make it less Eberron-y and more core D&D-y?
I think it’s a pretty good move on their part to incorporate the Artificer more directly — it helps set them apart from the other game descended from 3rd Ed D&D and it probably should have been in the PHB from the get got of 5th Edition.
As for tweaking it away from Eberron, I suppose that’s necessary, but if it were up to me I’d have made Eberron a core setting from the get go. Eberron was conceived back in the day as a world where anything D&D could exist, and frankly with worlds like Oerth and Faerun getting long in the tooth a more modern-flavored world with magical trains and airships could definitely help to modernize the brand. But I’ve always been an Eberron fan. It’s not my favorite setting — that’s Mystara/the Known World of the original Basic/Expert/Companion/Master/Immortals rules (guys, D&D can get complicated) — but it’s one I’ve been fond of since it was first introduced.
But making the Artificer a more neutral, less setting specific class is probably a requisite for making them a core class, and I have few reservations about that.
Well, people have already pointed out that in Shadowlands you’ll be specless until level 10, and then you’ll get a quest to pick a spec, so I won’t belabor that. I will instead say that I think it’s much more along the lines of Frost being seen as the most survivability-oriented spec, with spells that can slow, even root enemies like Frost Nova that’s pretty solid for keeping you out of harm’s way.
Qtfq: How likely is it that we’ll get a SL release date alongside the Afterlives premiere during Gamescom?
With the Shadowlands pre-patch on the PTR, I suspect we’ll get an October release for that and a November release for Shadowlands, and I would not be surprised if it turned out they announced both at Gamescom this week.
I mean, I spent seven years farming for one piece of gear off of one boss on something like seven plate characters and it never dropped. So yeah, I got pretty suspicious.
Okay! That’s the Queue for this week! I hope y’all stay as well as possible! Take care and have fun!
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