The Queue: It’s Friday already?

I know, I know, we’re supposed to celebrate Fridays. I, however, am just looking at my long list of unmet deadlines and I feel tired.
So let’s get this Friday thing over with so we can all go and take a nap.
Q4tQ before I absolutely, definitely go back to work (which I meant to do 40 minutes ago).
Where do those of you who still raid get really good, reliable info on class/spec, rotation details, theorycrafting etc from these days? Back in my day there was elitist jerks and a whole variety of individual sites and forums. For ferals, this was fluiddruid dot net, hunters had the warcrafthuntersunion etc.
I know there’s Wowhead, Icy Veins including forums, but it just doesn’t have the level of detail or reliability. I’m probably just spoiled, but… it was kinda nice having some of the world’s best ferals at my fingertips on Fluid Druid, with info that was extensively tested and verified. Sigh.
Edit: I don’t mean to say that I don’t want to try out stuff on my own, or spend time at the dummies. I’ve always done that ever since my more serious raiding years. But there’s a lot I simply don’t think of on my own.
Personally, I use the class guides on Icy Veins. I find them easy to read and they’re broken down in a way that’s easy to get up and running very quickly (ideal for alts that you don’t need to spend a ton of time thinking about). Wowhead’s guides are usually almost identical in spec recommendations, but I find IV’s guides are organized in a way that makes them really easy for me to understand.
But despite that… I also kind of loathe guides. These general spec recommendations offer a solid starting point, but the more I play a class, the more I tend to disagree with the guides. And once I start disagreeing with them, I start getting annoyed with them for what I feel are oversights. So these guides are a starting point — don’t take them as verified truths, but as the starting point they are.
From there, as others have pointed out, there are Discords for every class where you can ask questions and find links to resources. Sometimes you’ll find a lot of useful information here, and sometimes it’s disorganized and hard to follow, but either way it’s the best next step.
I’m also personally a big fan of checking Warcraftlogs to see what other players of my spec are doing. You can scroll around the front page to see the top players in different categories, then click on a player to see their gear and talents, as well as check out public logs which will show you how they use their skills. I find talents most useful, since the talents the most successful players use aren’t always the ones the guides suggest. This is certainly a deep dive, but I’ve found it tremendously helpful in the past.
Q4TQ: How are you liking the new additions to Hearthstone? The new progression system should be live by tomorrow’s Queue. How does the expansion look? Do you like Duels?
I do like duels (though they don’t really feel balanced), but I haven’t had a ton of time to toy around with everything else. I like the new rewards system conceptually — the previous system was very simplistic, and this adds complexity and interest. But when I first fired up the new system, I felt a bit lost with all the changes. But it’s new, and new is always scary and different. I need some time playing to get used to it and to understand it.
Q4tQ: Is the World Quest to kill Nathanos up regardless of whether you’ve talked to Genn/Lor’themar? Or do you need to get up to the “go to Icecrown/go get Nathanos” quests before you can do so?
Yep. The World Quest is just a World Quest, and not tied to any other activity.
Q4tQ: do you like the pre-expansion event?
My enthusiasm level is pretty mild. The gear really isn’t an upgrade for my main, I’m not sure what alts I care about enough to bother, and I hate grinding. I do enjoy the reminiscing part of it — it’s been an age since we could find Nathanos in Eastern Plaguelands and kill him, and many of the Icecrown rares are old faces. It’s entertaining to revisit these people and places, and even though there aren’t upgrades for me, there’s the bag and the mount you can get from drops.
But that brings us back to grinding. It’s a standard “wait until mob spawns, kill mob, repeat” grind, which I find quite tedious. Perhaps I’ll just park a character somewhere convenient and just log on when I know the rares I care about are up. I’m not sure. But for the moment… eh.
Of course the cinematic and voice acting were fantastic. I am most pleased to see someone finally found a way to shut Nathanos up when he’s being a catty nuisance. We should have done that an expansion ago, at least.
And that’s all I have for today, Queue. Remember to stay safe and take a minute to tell your loved ones how much you love them.
Have a good weekend and I’ll see you back here next week.
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