The Queue: Maldraxxus is not my thing

Okay, so here’s the thing — I’m not saying it’s bad, or poorly designed, it’s clearly an excellent zone. But all the Wow, Maldraxxus is awesome hype had me really thinking I might love it, but then I got there, and it’s just slime and crap everywhere and corpses littering the ground and a lot of it grosses me out or turns my stomach. I’m also never a fan of ruthless Darwinism and while I appreciate the idea of Maldraxxus as the home of the Shadowlands’ defense force, it’s not really getting past all the stuff I’m not fond of.
Still, I’m level 57 now. Maybe I’ll start playing one of my alts on nights my wife is occupied. Don’t think I’ll ever join the Necrolords, though. Just on an aesthetic level, it’s not my bag.
I wonder if the Arbiter was truly a ‘perfect’ decision maker on where to send souls. Seemed to me like a lot of souls ended up where they don’t seem to entirely fit.
Clearly the Jailer is terrible at actually jailing, since he’s doing things like turning souls into weapons and confining people he knows aren’t supposed to be there, the Primus is missing, the Archon just ignores anything she doesn’t like to hear until it becomes a major crisis, the Winter Queen is destroying the beings she’s supposed to be watching over… and man, Denathrius, that guy.
Maybe they’re all just terrible at their jobs.
Q4tq: do you think later in Shadowlands we’ll go to other afterlife zones?
I seriously hope so. I don’t want these four zones to be the only zones we get to see. But if not, there’s a goodly amount of story content in them, so I can’t complain too much.
I mean, yeah, I’m barely even trying — me and my wife play together for like two hours a night and we missed a night due to work and we’re still around level 57 (I’m like a bubble short, I think she dinged over) and we’re not even done with Maldraxxus yet.
I had a small bit of time before Thanksgiving dinner to play some WoW. I got to the part with Vashj. She remembered me. I waved. And in my head I read every bit of quest dialog from her with a slight, but noticeable, bit of bitterness.
I mean, if you click on her “Hey, Vashj the Stampeded, what’re you doing here” dialog option, she flat out tells you that she remembers that you killed her and she’s not super thrilled to see you.
I feel like I suddenly forgot how to Shaman. She was fine until about level 56 and then too squishy. It’s so frustrating that I think now that I’ve unlocked Threads of Fate I’ll jump to my DH.
Yeah, I only avoided that by going into Shadowlands on a character so undergeared that my Artifact Weapon was better than any drops I’d gotten in Battle for Azeroth and I used it through the Maw and into Bastion. I’m completely serious. My ilevel 70 Artifact was the best weapon I had on me. So even though I’m noticing rating decay, since my ilevel went from 62 to 112 as I leveled up, I actually feel a bit stronger instead of weaker for once.
It’s definitely the usual case that as you level, your ratings give you less crit, haste, mastery etc so you feel weaker. Plus, losing all of those Azerite traits hurts. I really started to notice all the damage absorption and self healing was gone around level 54.
Q4tQ: Are naps the best? Just woke up from a 30 minute one and feel more energized then a full night’s sleep.
Yes, naps are good. Naps are how I manage to not die on like 2 hours of sleep a night, I take a lot of naps.
I think the inhabitants of Maldraxxus would be better described as alt-dead.
Goodnight, everybody, tip your wait staff.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today. I hope everyone stayed safe and that you’re all doing okay. Just one month left in 2020, and my Birthday happens in it! I won’t be able to afford a party or any presents this year, but I warm myself knowing we’re closer to the end of 2020. Take care, forgive me for the weird Brian Eno tangent, and ask Cory plenty of questions for Monday’s Queue.
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