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Off TopicJul 30, 2021 4:00 pm CT

Some days, you just need to watch a cat video

You know what else is great? Cats. They may or may not be magic.

This has been another difficult week. Please look after your mental health. If that means watching kitten videos, we’re here with some extremely cute ones.

Hungry kittens

So tiny! So squeaky!

Purring in a pile

Is there any sound more soothing that a pile of purring kittens?

Maru, Hana, and Miri

Maru’s family has grown over the years, but he and his siblings are still delighting fans on the regular, sitting in boxes and bowls of questionable fit.

The ball pit

Brave kittens exploring the unknown.

Cat Island

For sheer volume of felines, nothing beats the many clips from this locale in Japan.

Hello friend

For those who like their tiny kittens with a side order of tiny human.

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Filed Under: Cats, Videos

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