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Cute! > Off TopicSep 3, 2021 10:00 am CT

The cute video collection this week is otter this world and you otter take a look

Is it possible to look at an otter, looping and swooping in the water, and not smile? Only if you’re allergic to joy. I mean, they hold hands while they sleep. Yes, that’s for their own safety, but it’s still just the cutest dang thing.

This is your weekly dose of cute here on Blizzard Watch. Enjoy!

Let’s start with the classic

The group’s reaction at the very end is the cherry on top of this swimmingly adorable sundae.

Chubby, fluffy cheeks

With bonus spiralized otter in the foreground!

The teeniness — it is too much

Seriously, how can an animal be that small and floofy? How, I ask you?

Playful and smart

Move over, Anna Kendrick, here’s the real cup-shuffling star.

Party time!

Monterey Bay Aquarium: saving the oceans and saving our sanity with their special blend of otters and puns. (They’re also on Twitch!)

And finally, otters in their natural habitat

Riding the waves and being adorable.

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Filed Under: All The Cuteness, Cute

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