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Cute! > Off TopicDec 31, 2021 2:00 pm CT

Follow the advice of these cute cats to have the best New Year’s Eve

It’s time to boot 2021 out the door and kick off 2022. This is traditionally one of the biggest party nights of the year, yet with all the nonsense going on in the world, most of us are way out of practice at partying. But never fear! The cats of the internet have your back and have joined forces to offer this collection of completely serious, totally not silly party tips. Watch and learn from their wisdom, and your NYE bash will be unforgettable.

First, you need some sweet tunes

Dressing up helps set the tone of the event

Get a disco ball for that exciting club energy

No, seriously, get a disco ball

A little glitter confetti goes a long way

Or maybe paper confetti is more your jam

Balloons are a festive touch

And finally, if you’re popping champagne, keep the cork

Happy New Year, Blizzard Watch readers!

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