What two specs in WoW would you combine to make the ultimate class?

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) added a new feature called Combat Styles in their recently launched expansion, Legacy of the Sith. This allows players to combine two Advanced Classes on one character. You could have a character who is half Boba Fett Bounty Hunter and half Fennec Shand Sniper — Bounty Hunter Power Tech/Imperial Agent Sniper for those familiar with SWTOR’s Advanced Classes. If you’re more into the Force-wielders, you could make a Sith who can throw around Force Lightning (Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer) combined with a heavily armored Sith who is a master of Lightsaber combat (Sith Warrior Juggernaut).
I would love to see a system like this in a future World of Warcraft expansion. I would start with the most fun tank class I ever played in WoW, the Protection Paladin. There’s nothing better than tossing an Avenger’s Shield (or five, like my Kyrian brothers and sisters do!), rounding up all the mobs, and dropping a big ol’ Consecrate while you’re BOPing that Mage in the corner and using Blessing of Sacrifice on your co-tank. After all the mobs are dead, I’d call my trusty Charger — I named him Dodge — and ride off to find the next great battle.
I’d combine said Protection Paladin with my favorite DPS class, the Beast Mastery Hunter. I was never much into casters, and life as a Protection Paladin had given me my fill of melee combat. I just love running circles around the boss, firing away with my trusty Dwarf rifle while commanding Hati to turn the boss into his favorite chew toy. He’s such a good doggo.
With these two classes combined, I’d create the ultimate WoW class, at least for my tastes and preferences. But what about you, dear readers? Which two specs would you combine to create the perfect class? Perhaps a Vengeance Demon Hunter and Destruction Warlock? A Fury Warrior, Arcane Mage? Let us know in the comments.
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