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The QueueMar 2, 2022 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Sepulcher? I hardly know ‘er!

It’s finally here! I’m so glad that the Sepulcher of the First Ones has opened, I always eagerly anticipate every new raid. Those first few pulls against a new boss are just so gloriously haphazard. We all have an inkling of what’s about to happen, but learning with our faces is just so much more informative.

While I explore deeper into the Sepulcher, it’s time for — The Queue.


First night in the raid went okay enough. Killed the first boss and I got another one of the same belt I already didn’t need from my timewalking cache. Killed the worm boss pretty easily as well. The trash gave me a 252 helm BoE I decided to equip cause it was better itemized for me.
We made our way to Xy’moc and found an interesting bug that let us skip most of the trash to him. He was a terrible fight just like in Nathria after about 45 minutes on him we gave up because it seems really terrible tuned with the abilities and because it seemed to be bugging out. He has an intermission phase where he spawns adds that you have to chain interrupt of they kill you while Xy’moc is immune and casts a ramping AoE. If you don’t kill the adds quick enough they also empower and cast the same AoE. He is supposed to phase when all the adds died but he seemed to get stuck if one of the adds began to cast it’s buff to empower itself even if you killed it before the cast got off.
We went to the Oracle boss and managed to one shot it pretty easily. We spent a good 30 minutes on Council and got it down to about 7% before calling it for raid. It’s a bit of a hectic fight but managable.
This raid has way too much trash though.

My guild did our first raid night last night too. We got 6/8 normal in three hours, and that feels like a good first night out. The Door boss, worm boss, and Oracle, all fell over pretty easily. The other three though are looking like they’re going to give us more of a fight going forward into Heroic difficulties.

Artificer Xy’mox’s return proved to take the most time, just learning how to deal with the ring mechanics while also dealing with the giant mass grip that happens was the hardest part. Aside from the fight bugging out a couple of times just like yours did. We even had it despawn mid pull once, but things started to go better after that — so I assume that’s when the hotfix came through from Blizzard. I do think that there needs to be more that differentiates the bombardments from the ship that floats around, and the stasis traps though.

The Prototype Pantheon took a couple of tries, that final phase when all four of them are active at once is going to be amazingly hectic on Heroic and Mythic. Especially from a tanking perspective, I already had trouble making sure that Sire D wasn’t pointed at the group when he was doing his frontal. I’m not looking forward to having to deal with more mechanics at the same time.

Lhivium was the one that we definitely did not deserve to kill. We wound up brute-forcing it since we came into Normal at an average ilevel of 250. Only having to deal with one intermission phase meant that we didn’t have to be very good at dropping the bombs, and could afford to lose the ground area if someone triggered theirs by accident. The time you have from the bomb being set up to it activating also feels really short, and I’d like to see us get a little more extra time to handle those properly.

You’re 100% right about the trash though. Even just getting from the door boss to Skolex I was realizing that we were going to be in for an excessive amount of trash. I just have to hope that all this trash means that we’ll see lots of tasty bind on equips.

Sunday night we’ll move onwards to the last two normal bosses, hopefully not spending all night on Anduin, and then jump into heroic. I can’t wait to see the Anduin fight in person, I bet it’s going to be amazing.


Q4tQ: If you have a bag of snacks with 5 flavors, but you only like 4 of them, are you the type that just picks around the ones you don’t like, or do you make a point to stagger how often you eat them to ensure you don’t end up with a bag full of flavors you hate?

Oh definitely stagger them, unless there’s another person right nearby who likes that other flavor. I’d feel bad about wasting the candy otherwise.


Druid people best people, exhibit Y:
I run to the Heart of the Forest portal in cat form, next to me a druid also in cat form. Neither of us changing into soulshape. In Oribos, we both continue still in cat shape. I /purr at him, and he whispers me, and now we’re discussing cat forms and why Blizz should give us fire flight form already :D

Yes, Druids are the best. It’s an empirical fact.

Also yes there should be more Druid of the Flame options for all of the forms. It’s my number one wish for my Druid shapeshifts. I went super far out of my way during Battle for Azeroth to ensure that I got the Firekin transmog set.


Q4tQ Now that Patterns Within Patterns is a weekly, does it take longer to complete, or do the rares and quests still count for the same %?

They do not. It does take much longer to get a full bar completion now. It took me a few hours of running around and doing the new story quests, the world quests/dailies, rare hunting, and random treasure chests before I was able to complete that bar. Definitely not as fast as the Korthia weekly wound up being. Rares were about 3% each, and the treasure chests were about 1%.


Question for regular podcast:
If you had a soul shape in real life what form would you pick?

Why are blizzard afraid of giving us dinosaur mounts looking all the back to vanilla we still don’t have a thunder lizard or devilsaur mount do they hate dinosaurs? I mean we have a parrot mount but no giant dinosaur besides the over priced auction mount it has to be a conspiracy.

I would choose a bear instantly. I know they may not look like the fastest animals around, but if you’ve ever seen one moving full tilt you’d be surprised.

There are lots of raptors and triceratops mounts out there for us to use. You are right though that we don’t get a cool devilsaur though. With how much the Brutosaur wound up costing, I’d hate to see what the price tag on one of them might wind up being. I only have so many kidneys!


Q4tQ: So do we know what the point of the Mysterious Fruit on Zereth Mortis is?

Not yet! I bet the Secret Finding Discord is hard at work on it though. Until then we’ll have to just enjoy the mystery, and those fancy spotlights we get when we eat them. Do you think that the spotlight affects how the fruit tastes?


Q4thePodcast: Hello amazing watchers, did I miss something? Or did we never actually “deal” with Helya or find out what her role in everything was? I know she brokered (ha!) the deal for Odin’s eye and thus forced us to deal with the Eye of the Jailer mechanic for a while. But like…I feel like her plotline is unresolved.

The players never deal with her, but the Primarch does. It’s in the 9.1 quest chain — he banishes her and then she’s never mentioned again.

I was a little surprised that there wasn’t even a fight against her in a scenario. She was a major raid boss and popped up a couple of times in Shadowlands so it was a little abrupt to just have her be boxed up like that. I’m honestly shocked that she wasn’t one of the bosses in Sepulcher. I know they don’t want to just “play the hits” but it would’ve been cool to take her on again.

Today’s Anna Mitch Earworm™: I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Have a great rest of your week everybody, don’t forget to leave Mitch lots of questions for tomorrow!

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