The Queue: Cold Hard Cash

I think my favorite thing about Fated raids is that we’ve gotten to see Rendle in Castle Nathria again. I love this lil guy. Just so eager to please and fix our gear for us!
I also love that I think his pile of gold has gotten bigger since the last time we were in Nathria. That’s one of the little things that has made World of Warcraft so great over the years, little touches like that.
While I give him a little more gold after yet another Sun King’s Salvation wipe, it’s time for — The Queue.
Good morning!
“Stabbers” was available on my server, but “Stabberz” was not.
That is because Stabberz is objectively the correct way to spell that name. Using the Z there would make any Rogue approximately 17% cooler than a Rogue named Stabbers. That guy is probably a huge nerd.
Q4tQ: In light of the lolzy post about the WoW character creation screen being like Hulk and She-Hulk, what model would you most like to alter if you could only pick one? For me it’s male draenei, with male night elves as a close second. The draenei are just so ridiculously top heavy, and then the females are so teeny-dainty.
Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren all stand out as pretty big offenders for that on the Horde side. Where are my hunched-over Troll ladies that are 7 feet tall at full upright?
Tauren should be even bigger if anything!
I feel like the dude Orc’s biceps are about as big as the lady Orc’s waist, which I guess does sell their commitment to hitting the gym. Where are the equally large ladies though?
A body slider would really be great here, which I know Matt has written about recently. I’m just going to link his post and say yes to all of that. As long as I could also use it to beef up my bear shape that is. I want to be Ursoc-sized! Who cares if the rest of my group couldn’t see past my fuzzy butt?
I went from somewhere in the ~650 M+ rating to 1442 today. Mech Workshop sucks!!!!! I’d rather run a hundred Karas then go back in there again.
Congrats on the rating jump!
You take that back though, Lower Kara is the worst! I haven’t been in since the most recent round of nerfs, so maybe it’s not so bad. Still though! Mechagon felt like a really well-put-together dungeon, especially if you have a Warlock to gate you past the last pull, which isn’t so bad as long as you focus on the right targets and use the shield bubbles properly.
It’s certainly not as bad as the giant Eredar on the bridge in Karazhan who summons the imps shooting lasers out of their face. Also, the trash from the second bosses to the Saberon boss in Iron Docks can all go die in a fire.
Now that Anima is flowing a bit better (it’s still an insane grind to get all the collectables IMO) I’m starting to engage with the covenant sanctum unique features.
They seem to go from the fun diversion to the rage quitty via worthy but dull.
My opinion is that The Ember Court is the best (if a bit time sinky), then Stitchworks (I get the impression the RNG is frustrating), Queen’s Conservatory (such dullness), then finally the awfulness that is Path of the Ascended (seriously – has anyone actually enjoyed this? It’s like they’ve doubled down on the worst of all the vehicle mechanics that have been used in the history of WoW)…
You’re definitely spot on for most of these. I’d rank the Path of Ascension above the Queen’s Conservatory though. At least that tried to be something! The Queen’s Conservatory feels like an afterthought because they couldn’t figure out a good way to add rewards to the Mushroom Network and Marasmius.
I’m always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for trying things.
It is very unfair though how much better the Ember Court is than everything else. It’s very clear that its developers had a lot of love for it, and got the opportunity to make that show through. It’s the only one of the four that got Azeroth holiday tie-ins!
Qft Hearthstoners – Is there a tribe with which you struggle the most with in Battlegrounds?
I always feel like the game at the late stages becomes how many Pirates can you buy from the tavern and play to buff your other guys. Which I’m just not very good at! I get too attached to minions for too long and then I miss out on things, or I play guys in the wrong order and mess everything up.
Then I’ll run into someone else with massive Pirates who just absolutely trucks me and I get sad.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: MONEY
Have a wonderful week everybody! Hopefully, it’s a stress-free fun time full of jokes and good friends.
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