The Queue: Fri-yay!

It’s Friday! Yay! We’re just one short day away from it being October, the best month. Not only does it have Canadian Thanksgiving, and Halloween — but it’s also got my birthday in it! It’s also the start of sweater weather here. I have a lot of sweaters to wear, and I’ve missed them.
While I try and figure out if I can fit more exclamation points into this post, it’s time for — The Queue!!!
When/will we hear about Feats of Strength for Torghast, more character slots, removal of content and items in regard to Dragonflight’s advent?
About two weeks ago! There was an official news post from Blizzard talking about the various things that would change as Dragonflight came out. Nothing on it was too surprising, like the Mythic Sylvanas and Jailer mounts going to low drop chances instead of guaranteed drops — or that the current seasonal rewards from Mythic Keystones would be going away. What did strike me as a little odd was that the big Shadowlands achievement Back from the Beyond would also be becoming unobtainable.
Nothing on there feels particularly timely or tied specifically to being at this power level, so I didn’t see why it would need to go away. Not like in Battle for Azeroth where parts of the big prestige title achieve required killing a Mythic end boss to get a fancy rank 4 Conduit.
As for the rest of the things you’re asking about, it might be able to figure out whether items are going away once they get closer to the actual release and the beta servers are a little more consistent from week to week. Character slots are one of those things that I think we would’ve heard about by now if there was going to be a change for Dragonflight.
Q4tQ: Do you use the default Hearthstone, or one of the many toys that adds a different special effect when you hearth?
I use the default, or the Dalaran, or the Garrison Hearthstone as appropriate. I know I could get back a bag slot by switching to one of the new toy ones that you get from the Covenants or fancy collector editions, but I’m a creature of habit. My Hearthstone has always been in the top left of my backpack since the first day I started playing World of Warcraft and I’ll be damned if it won’t still be there on the last day that I play too.
So the prelaunch event… will people look up to the skies and suddenly be, “WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DRAGONS?”
Will we have a dragon invasion!??
Wouldn’t it be funny if instead of a Dragon or Elemental or another major threat kind of invasion we got the opposite? Why don’t we get something built around all of those new Gnoll models and their pilgrimage to the Dragon Isles?
Surely the Alliance and Horde would be pretty interested in why all of the Gnolls started building ships and sailing out into the ocean. It’d even let the Warcraft team use the Heroes of the Storm Admiral Hogger design!
Q4tQ: what have you predicted about WoW (or other Blizzard games) and gotten right? Asking because I was right about us getting the DF release date now that WotLK Classic is out.
It’s happened a few times that I’ve tossed off an idea or made a prediction here on Blizzard Watch and gotten it right. None are coming to mind right now, but I’m sure that it’s happened at least twice. Maybe even three times!
I better throw out some more predictions now just to have some floating out there in the universe to try and get right.
- The final raid of Dragonflight will have not one but two vehicle combat-related fights.
- Holy Priests will become a new ranged DPS class with a new talent similar to Gladiator Stance for Warriors
- Gladiator stance will come back, but it’ll be purely cosmetic
- The Darkmoon Faire will be the focal point of one of the Dragonflight major patches.
- Mitch will have an in-game item named after him, but it’ll only be for Guardian Druids and every day I’ll taunt him about it
- There’ll be a new fancy kind of dragon for us to ride in the final Dragonflight patch that has four wings, like an X-wing.
One of those must be right!
Q4TQ: How to prepare for Dragonflight launch?
Ensure your tray tables are up and your seat backs are in the fully upright and locked position.
More serious Q4TQ: In the newest Beta build Blizzard nerfed a large amount of raid wide buff effects to reduce their feeling of being obligatory. Does this show a larger problem with trying to balance these raid wide buffs and utilities and is the solution just to remove them? I felt perfectly content the couple expansions we did not have any.
Removing them would be easiest. Next to easiest would be just ensuring that if there’s going to be major raid buffs and debuffs that every source of them was either doubled up on another class, or we could get the effect through scrolls made by the Inscription profession.
Ideally, those scrolls would be as strong as having the class present, but for some reason, Blizzard doesn’t like doing that. I don’t see why there aren’t two strengths of scroll or drums. One that was cheap to make and half as strong as the expensive full-strength one. Then Scribes would be super in-demand for the whole expansion too!
It feels just so awful wiping at 1% on a boss without one of those buffs or debuffs. It’s like not having used flasks or potions because it was the first pull of the night and no way would you be getting it on the first pull.
In my guild, we’ve managed to hang onto exactly one Monk and one Demon Hunter, so we only have those two 5% damage increased debuffs if they can make it to raid. Which has been mostly fine, but also there are definitely times that they’ve been missed. I also know for a fact that one of them would much rather be playing a different class, but hasn’t changed so that the group has the coverage.
Today’s Anna?????™ Earworm: Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Who’s going to be writing the Queue on Monday?! Am I going to be doing back-to-back Queues? Will someone else be writing it, maybe a mystery guest? Will the Queue write itself? You’ll have to tune in and find out!
Until then, enjoy your weekend!
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