The Queue: Spooky scary skeleton

As Hallows End fast approaches it’s time to break out a costume for my Druid. This year he’s going as a spooky scary skeleton. He’ll send shivers up your spine! This is not today’s Earworm™ as I already used it many (spooky) moons ago.
I wish that it was as easy in real life to find a costume that both fits you, and is something you really enjoy. That also doesn’t cost a lot. Have you seen the prices at some of the Halloween stores out there?! That’s the real source of shivers up your spine.
While I go back and forth on what to dress up as this year, it’s time for — The Queue.
Today is the first day of Hallow’s End. Hooray!
It also means that tomorrow is Cory’s, Yarmet’s, and my (Thomas Strange’s) birthday. Happy birthday, fellow Queuevians!
Thanks! Happy birthday to you and Yarmet as well! I hope it’s a good one full of friends, family, and food. Y’know the three Fs!
Not to be confused with those other three Fs — French Fries, Fudge, and Fajitas. Although, a birthday full of those wouldn’t be half bad either…
Q4tQ: Why am I watching Steamed Hams videos?
Are you planning a trip to upstate New York and want to brush up on the lingo?
Which ones are you watching? Have you seen the Jeff Goldblum version?
Choose your own adventure
Q4tQ: What did you think of the first Dragonflight animated short?
Q4tQ: When do you think the first Dragonflight animated short will be released?
I can honestly say without seeing the first Dragonflight short that it will be excellent with top-notch sound design, animation, and style coming out of the wazoo. It also won’t be nearly as good as Warbringers: Jaina.
The only way that it even comes close is if we get another sea shanty. I don’t make the rules I’m sorry.
We are due for one of them pretty quickly I’d assume. Although they could do them in the weeks right before launch. The safe bet would be that we’re going to get five of them, one per dragon color. So that would put us at… next week? Of course, there could also be fewer shorts focusing on the non-dragon inhabitants of the Isles — the Centaurs, Tuskarr, Gnolls, and Elementals. Then we’d see the first cinematic in two weeks.
Somehow I don’t think they’ll pass up the opportunity to put Alexstraza front and center in a cinematic though.
The single best trope is when a character is flustered and say they need to leave, only for the other character to go “But this is *your* house”.
Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man.
I’d say that the single best trope is a well-executed “he’s right behind me, isn’t he.”
Q4tQ: do you have the Horseman’s Reins?
I do, and I got them before mounts were account-wide, so I was a little upset to have the mount for my mage and not my DK. But it’s all better now.
Ain’t I a stinker?
I got the first one back in 2010 so it’s been a pretty hot minute since I got it. I don’t remember getting the second though, once I have the first one I generally would only run the Horseman if a friend needed a fast Queue.
I do remember going in there the first year when it would drop off of the Horseman instead of from a bag, and the limiting factors were your instance count, and each character only being able to summon it once a day. Since I was the only healer on in my guild I was invited to all of the groups! I killed him so many times… no mount though.
Q4TQ What do you think will take longer: completing the Dracthyr starting experience, or finding the perfect color combinations for your Evoker?
Oh, choosing the right colors definitely.
I had the perfect color combination in the beta, and then it got reset with one of the builds. Now I’ll have to do it all over again! Maybe even a few times to get it juuuuuuuuuuuust right.
Aw nuts.
Who amongst us hasn’t spent a bunch of time moving sliders around on a character creator, fiddling until you’re 100% satisfied? I do know that I’ve restarted the same Mass Effect playthrough a bunch of times in the past because their creator doesn’t look quite the same in the field, and I’ll get through the first mission and hate my choices.
Today’s Anna Mitch Earworm™: Zombies
I know it’s not specifically about Halloween things, but the haunted house I went to over the weekend played it as part of its soundtrack so it counts! Have a great rest of your week, don’t forget to leave Mitch with some questions about fun spooky things to answer!
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