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Cute! > Off TopicNov 18, 2022 10:00 am CT

Get hyped for winter by watching some sweet snow leopards

Winter has arrived in earnest around my neighborhood, including the first serious appearance of snow. I’m really not ready for the change of seasons, so I’m trying to stave off the impending doom and gloom by watching lots of clips of cute critters who thrive in wintry weather. So in case you too are steeling yourself for the long, cold, dark, I highly suggest watching snow leopards. They are absolutely darling and I almost find myself excited for that first cup of hot cocoa.

Snoozy time

Snuggly, snoozy cats are just the best.

“You will not escape me!”

It seems all cats have occasionally contentious relationships with their own tails.

This kitty has a heckin’ lot of energy

There’s no audio on this clip, but that just makes it easier to understand the young cub’s inner monologue. It transcribes roughly as: “Moooooom, come play with me! C’mon moooooom!”

More cute cubs in action

Those big blue eyes will just melt your heart.

Why are so many of these videos in zoos? Learn more:

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