When is the next Hearthstone mini-set release date? Return to Naxxramas arrives today!

The next Hearthstone mini-set is Return to Naxxramas, with release date on February 14! This mini-set will include 38 new cards for the March of the Lich King expansion, which you can either purchase in one go, or find those cards individually by opening regular card packs for the expansion.
Mini-sets are usually released in the middle of an expansion’s life cycle. This gives the developers a chance to make balance corrections to the game, by empowering archetypes that are under-performing, or introducing cards that counter certain decks that might be seeing too much success. This will be the seventh mini-set ever released for Hearthstone. Previous mini-sets have included:
- The Madness at the Darkmoon Faire mini-set was Darkmoon Races, released January 2021.
- The Forged in the Barrens mini-set was Wailing Caverns, released June 2021.
- The United in Stormwind mini-set was Delve into the Deadmines, released November 2021.
- The Fractured in Alterac Valley mini-set was Onyxia’s Lair, released February 2022.
- The Voyage to the Sunken City mini-set was Throne of the Tides, released June 2022.
- The Murder at Castle Nathria mini-set was Maw and Disorder, released September 2022.
Each mini-set can be purchased with either 2000 in-game gold or real money (in the form of 1500 Runestones). Purchasing a mini-set gives you access to every card that’s included in it — one copy of every Legendary, plus two copies of every non-Legendary card. For Return to Naxxramas, that means 72 cards, distributed as such:
- 4 Legendary cards
- 1 Epic card (two copies)
- 17 Rare cards (two copies of each)
- 16 Common cards (two copies of each)
On this particular mini-set, the all-Golden version (in which you get Golden versions of every card) will be available as another option, costing 10000 in-game gold or $70. This version of the mini-set will also contain a Diamond Legendary.
Every card included in a mini-set counts as being part of the actual expansion they’re linked to. This means that even if you don’t purchase the mini-set itself — getting immediate access to those new cards — you’ll still be able to acquire them by opening packs, since cards released in a mini-set become available on the regular packs of that expansion moving forward.
Return to Naxxramas will feature the introduction of a Location and a Colossal minion for the Death Knight class — Construct Quarter and Frost Queen Sindragosa, respectively. It will also include new dual-type minions, as well as “a terrifying new way to win the game” — which sounds exciting, but we know nothing about yet.
Mark the date on your calendars: Naxx will be out (again) on February 14. Are you ready?
Updated February 13, 2023
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