The Queue: Plague
We’re in the midst of the long weekend and instead of being out and about enjoying it I have the plague. So, I’m going to write a very strongly worded letter to whoever’s fault this is and go back to my blanket cocoon in a moment.
While I drink more medicated tea, it’s time for — The Queue!
As someone who has issues with clocks (and with numbers in general), I am the person for whom this information is not at all useful. In fact, usually it just confuses me. Are we going left or right, guys? Please keep things basic, because sometimes it takes me a minute to even get the left/right thing straight, and you’re expecting me to remember which direction a clock moves and then go the opposite direction? That is way too many mental hoops to jump through
My raid leader has been pretty good about keeping things consistent along these lines. Usually giving us markers or a clear left/right direction…
Except for the big eyeball fight in Sanctum of Domination.
For some reason despite years of calling things as we faced the boss, he decided to call things as the boss faced us. Did it go poorly? You bet your bottom dollar it did. We’re not sure why he decided to make that change, but we haven’t let him forget about it since.
What is the secret to happiness?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Oh wait, that’s what is best in life.
Happiness is tricky but it probably means doing things that you find fun and fulfilling and trying to be a good person. It also might involve looking at animals wearing silly hats on the internet. Those things could just be one path to happiness though, and the worst part is that you might not even get the same happiness from them on any given day!
As long as you keep trying you can’t go wrong I think.
Yesterday was my birthday
I ate a lot
it was good
Happy birthday!
This is also a good path to happiness.
Q4TQ: would you rather be a Saberon, Corrupted Arakkoa, or Uncorrupted Arakkoa?
Uncorrupted Arakkoa!
Sorry Saberon, but I like the flashiness of the wings and feathers. I use the toy that turns you into one of them way more than I use the Saberon one.
Back in Shadowlands, there was a fun interaction with it where when I used my polearm from Sanctum of Domination that strikes you with a bolt of lightning and turns you into a Val’kyr — the lightning effect got way way brighter. Annoy your group bright. It was my favorite thing to do in nice tight corridors while running Keystones.
Q4tQ Why is it still called the Warchief’s Command Board if the Horde no longer have a Warchief?
Have you ever engaged in the civic process to get anything renamed in your city? There is red tape and committees and petitions and surveys and environmental impact studies and and and…
Better to not worry about it.
Have a hardcore gaming Bacardi to boop this week. You’ll surely have the best of luck in your video games if you do!
Fun fact! He actually managed to run around in circles a little bit in Fall Guys before deciding that this was much too undignified and squirming away.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Ma Baker
I hope you have had a safe, fun, and healthy holiday weekend! Make sure to leave Anna lots of questions to answer for tomorrow!
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