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The QueueJul 12, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Birthdayfest

How nice of Nintendo to schedule a Splatfest that not only starts on my birthday but also extends into the full weekend! I will, of course, be backing Shiver… even if this is an admittedly odd selection of options.

Ice cream flavors aside, it’s Queue time! So let’s Queue.


QftQ: With WoW getting regular updates now, and a lot of small QoL things coming, what’s something you’d like to see happen in that space?

Being able to move all windows freely, and then anchor them to the locations of your choice, that would be a really nice thing. It’s something we’ve seen done by Addons, but of course, it’s often easier to make a Mod, than it is to change the actual game code.

Another thing is the Pet and Mount UI. Actually, the Spell Book as well. They are basically just lists. I think there are ways to make it much more readable. Search Bars are always a good thing, but they don’t help you, if you don’t know what to search for.

With the new Ping system coming later, I kinda hope it would work similar to Opie.

I know we got more quest space, but the quest log still could use an update. Let me hold as many quests as I want and sort them in a way that makes it easy to navigate. Or, at the very least, let me checkbox-style mass abandon quests. I cannot believe we still have to abandon one quest at a time.


Wait, something just occurred to me. Is the level 40 requirement for Allied races ACCOUNT-based or faction-based? I don’t have a level 40+ Horde character and if it’s faction-based that’s going to slow down my plans for Vulpera.

You only need to have a level-40 character on your account to unlock all the Allied Races. That’s it!

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)

  • All restrictions for unlocking Allied Races have been removed, with the exception of a level requirement.
  • All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account (was level 50).


Based on one Heroic fight, Augmentation Evokers are junk DPS.

I genuinely can’t tell if you were being sarcastic here or not, but I’m pretty sure addons are not tracking Augvoker DPS properly. One of our regulars switched to Augmentation and has been digging into the nitty gritty, and from what he was saying, actual recorded logs have Augvokers much higher than, say, Details.

It’s kind of how like everyone loves Power Infusion but the DPS someone else gains from it is counted purely toward that person and not the Priest.


Q4TQ: if they allow Dracthyr to be other classes than Evoker next expansion, will you roll one?

I think it would be nice to have a character with Soar, and all that neat customization, but belonging to a class I enjoy playing more than Evoker. However I’m still not 100% sure I want to look like a dragon in combat all the time.

I have an Evoker already and it’s been stuck at 65 for a long time now. But even if Dracthyr could become Priests in 11.0, I’d stay Forsaken. I’m a simple person, and I’m not really much for changing when it comes to my main.


Damn, someone already got the infinite timereaver from the new dungeon

Yes, indeed I did. Thanks, Infinite Courser!


2BE: getting a crystal ball with Khadgar’s head that occasionally gives you good advice vs. eating a Yogg cake that has completely unpredictable (but powerful) effects

How was this even a question?

The Yogg cake. Gimme that moisty, cakey, Yoggy goodness.

That’s all for today. I hope you all have great dungeon luck and a lovely time arguing over ice cream flavors in the comments. Cheers!

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