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The QueueJul 21, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: I’m still not supposed to be here today

Blood elf wearing sunglasses with a plush duck on her head

I seem to keep mixing things up for you, Queue, because here I am again, on Friday, when I was not supposed to be here today.

Well. Let’s Queue.


So how’s everyone’s day going?

I mean, it’s nice to see you all, but I’m not even supposed to be here today.

But Cory’s power went out, and so here I am.

Happy Friday everybody!


How’s Diablo IV season 1 treating you so far?

Very well so far… though the early levels of the game are very different from the late levels of the game. I’m playing another Necromancer, but it’s a different kind of Necromancer than I played originally — more of a blood-focused build, with (at least for the moment) plenty of minions, as they’re very strong early on.

The latest patch came with plenty of nerfs, but I’m not feeling them yet, and I think Necromancer got hit with less than the rest. We’ll see how it goes when I get into World Tier 3 and World Tier 4. And the season has some interesting new stuff with legendary powers plus the new Malignant hearts. I think it’s going to be interesting to combine things.

How’s it going for everyone else?


Q4tQ: our first two raids in Dragonflight have been very orange. What colour palate are you hoping for the next one?

I don’t really care what the primary color of the next raid is, I just don’t want it to all be the same color. Blizzard has a habit of layering effects that have similar colors, which can make it difficult to see. So mostly I hope they  mix it up, and make sure whatever the color palette is, it has enough variation to make effects easy to see.


Q4tQ: how do you feel about the Diablo 4 seasonal journey button being RIGHT next to the buy premium pass button?

Thanks I hate it. Though Diablo 4 isn’t anywhere near as pushy as Diablo Immortal, it is a little annoying to have this buy button right next to a button you need to click to access the Season Journey and its rewards. And if you buy the Battle Pass, the button changes to sell you tier skips so you can get through the Battle Pass faster.

I get that they want to keep their purchases front and center because that’s the way to get people to buy things. But also I hate it.


Q4TQ: Are you excited for Glorbo’s introduction?

Guys. Guys. We all know how things go with AI. First it’s friendly and/or imaginary chatbots, and before you can blink it’s Skynet. Just say no to Glorbo.

And that’s it for today. I think Cory is supposed to be back on Monday, but at this point, who knows. What even is reality? Anything could happen.

Have a great weekend, everybody, and I will (theoretically) see you next week. Depending on the direction time goes.

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