The Queue: I’m awake, I think

I mean, either I’m awake or I’m having a very boring dream.
Q4tRossiQueue: what WoW warrior ability would you like to see brought into Baldur’s Gate III? (Is it Titan’s Grip?)
It’s definitely Titan’s Grip. Which is funny, because Titan’s Grip is basically just Monkey Grip from D&D 3e and my God I’m so very very old.
Q4tQ: Anyone back any interesting Kickstarters lately?
Technically not a Kickstarter, but Backerkit has the new Trinity Continuum game Aegis, which is Ancient Greek mythology if the gods were all secretly superheroes, so I’m pretty interested.
Every time I finish watching a streamer play the Xenoblade series I feel melancholic, and yet I’m streaming it for a friend myself
I am very healthy
I’m still mad we didn’t get the proper sequel to Xenogears because of the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within debacle.
I am also very healthy.
QftQ: If Wild West themed armors were added to the game, would you prefer it come from Trading Post occasionally, small content like a special or seasonal event (like Trial of Style), or large content like zone(s)/dungeon(s)/raid in a new expansion?
Follow-up Q: Do you have an idea of what each class or armor type would look like in Western gear?
- I would prefer it be from a raid, and that raid should be absolutely full of Titan Forged (so magic robot) cowboys, cowgirls, and cowthems. Not Tauren, just big magic robots with hats and six shooters saying ma’am and you pesky varmints is gonna eat these jacketed positrons and so on.
- Plate would look like you were wearing a cast iron stove under regular clothes or alternately, like a Cuirassier. Mail would look like you were wearing Kusari armor or some other kind of armor that was still being used in the 1800’s. Leather and cloth, I mean, we know what clothing looks like, they would look like that.
- Unrelated but we’d also get a new race, Titan-Forged, and canonically all of the playable Titan-Forged would talk in a drawl and say howdy all the time. Every class would get a special Handgun weapon, and Hunters could dual-wield them.
QftQ: Do you hold onto your rep tokens for alts?
Nope. I’m a terrible person.
I’m still waiting for “Denathrius was the real mastermind, the Jailer was just a facade all along”
THAT will be the greatest retcon ever
It was the Primus all along.
Just wondering, I have a thing for Warlocks. The play style, the spell animations, just the experience in general. When I make alts, I’ve made lots o locks and other classes and race combinations. My approach was always, Alliance and Horde alts because sometimes there is a difference in story I’d like to see and then different branches of the classes (mainly dps). Locks specifically for me because they feel very different with the playstyle but what is your approach if you make alts? Is it just having Mitch Warrior love on every race possible or different talent trees of the same class or a specific race? I was overjoyed to find out everyone can be locks, gunna make more now but just wondering about other players approach.
Mitch Warrior?
I think this might be the worst thing anyone has ever said to me. I legit kind of want to cry right now.
In WoW, I play Warriors, I have one of every race and almost one of every spec of that race, so I have three Night Elves, three Orcs, etc etc. I admit that I really only play a few of them nowadays, just don’t have the time I had when I started doing this years and years ago. I also have Shaman, DK and Paladin alts I play semi-regularly.
In Diablo 4 I’m all Barbarians all the time.
In Baldur’s Gate 3 I’m all Barbarians all the time.
In Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righte0ous I’m all Barbarians all the time.
I like hitting things and not overcomplicating it.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today.
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