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Mobile > Video GamesAug 30, 2023 10:00 am CT

5 great decks to use for Marvel SNAP’s new Featured Location, Yashida Base

Marvel SNAP rolled out the last Featured Location of its Big in Japan season, Yashida Base, and we’ve made some awesome decks for you to try out there. Featured Location mini-events are the way SNAP adds new Locations to the game, and are usually worth some deck adjustments if you’re looking to win some matches.

Let’s take a look at some great deck lists to help you slice up the competition while Yashida Base is the Featured Location, though all of these decks will work to your benefit whenever you encounter the Yashida Base Location in the future.

What is the significance of Yashida Base in Marvel lore?

The earlier Featured Location of this season, Valley of the Hand, was the home for a group of secret ninjas known as The Hand. Yashida Base is the home of their chief rival, another group of ninjas known as Yashida Clan. The two clans warred for many years, even in spite of some efforts by The Hand to unite them. All that would change in the late 20th century when Shingen Harada took over. He welcomed the help of The Hand and turned the once honorable Yashida Clan into a criminal enterprise.

Under Shingen, Yashida grew even larger and more violent than Kingpin’s organization. This eventually drew the notice of Wolverine. He took down much of Clan Yashida and killed Shingen (Wolverine Vol 1 #1 – #4 1982).

Power abhors a vacuum and Shingen’s two children (half-siblings), Mariko Yashida (who was briefly engaged to Wolverine) and Keniuchio Harada, fought for control. Keniuchio, a mutant better known as Silver Samurai, won control after poisoning his half-sister (Wolverine Vol 2 #55 1992).

Silver Samurai failed as a leader and the clan fell under the control of Clan Kaishek. Wolverine again got involved and at the end of a long conflict Clan Yashida broke away from Kaishek under the leadership of Shingen Harada II.

What’s the key to winning when Yashida Base is up?

Yashida Base is an interesting Destroy effect. You can try to make this work for you, or against your opponent. The first way is to use it to destroy your opponent’s card. You’ll need to get a lead and fill the Location first. This will force your opponent to be the last one to play a card there. That card will be destroyed and hopefully let you the win the Location. The second way to use it is for a Destroy effect. Try to be last player to put a card on the Location and play something that benefits from being destroyed like Bucky Barnes, Muramasa Shard, or Nimrod. Finally, you can counter Yashida Base with something like Armor or Professor X to negate the effect of the Location entirely.

Great decks to use on the Yashida Base

Destroy Rod

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This deck is using Yashida Base in to destroy something. Ideally, you’ll destroy Nimrod, but this deck also has Bucky Barnes, and X-23.

Cerebro 5

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This deck plays cards with five Power that will get buffed by Cerebro. For Yashida Base, you have both Spider-Man and Polaris to pull a card over to the Location to make it the last one played there. Yashida will then destroy it for you.

Sera Surfer

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This is a competitive deck that features the same Spider-Man and Polaris package as Cerebro 5. It is reliant on Sera discounting your cards and Silver Surfer buffing them.

Move Legion

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This is another highly competive deck. You’ve still got access to Spider-Man, but you also have tools to make it hard on your opponent to know where your Power will be. Silk is jumping all over the board. Jeff can move anywhere he wants. If things look favorable for your interaction with Yashida Base, spread it all over the board with Legion. If things look unfavorable for your interaction with Yashida Base, get rid of it with Legion.

Counter Armor

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Armor is a fantastic tech card and will shut down all Destroy effects including Yashida Base. This deck also gives you access to the Black Bolt, Valkyrie combo. It is full of mostly just good situational cards and can carry you to victories.

What are your ideas?

Destroy is as popular as ever and hopefully one of these decks will help you snag some cubes. Even as the Featured Location, there will still be matches that you don’t see Yashida Base. You have to make sure your deck is flexible enough that you don’t have to retreat if you don’t get Yashida Base in your Location pool.

Whether Yashida Base is in your Location pool due to the event, one of the randomly chosen ones after the event, hopefully these decks and tips help you win!

What other great decks have you used with Yashida Base? Let us know in the comments.

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