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Diablo > Diablo 4Oct 6, 2023 5:30 pm CT

Diablo 4 Season 2 will make dungeons easier to get to and faster to run — for both seasonal and non-seasonal characters

Diablo 4’s dungeons are getting some improvements in the Season 2 patch, going live later this month alongside the Season of Blood. These changes include everything from mere quality of life (such as making it easier to get to dungeons and find the objectives within), to increased experience, faster glyph leveling, and toning down mechanics that are currently too deadly or too annoying. All told, this slate of changes should make it easier for players to get in and start killing demons, which is what we’re all playing Diablo for.

And if you aren’t interested in seasonal play, don’t worry, because these changes will be coming to both seasonal and non-seasonal realms, so Eternal Realm players will also get to enjoy these improved dungeons.

Here’s a list of the improvements coming to dungeons in the Diablo 4 Season 2 patch:

  • For Nightmare Dungeons, using the item that activates them will no longer teleport you to their door, requiring you to manually enter them (and brave an additional, unnecessary loading screen): from now on, upon activating a Nightmare Dungeon and clicking on it on the map, you’ll be teleported directly inside.
  • Dungeon Events will have higher mob density, which means that you’ll get to kill more enemies in less time, and with less effort. That means that you’ll net more experience from each event, making them far more desirable to run.
  • In addition to that, those NPCs that you need to protect in some Dungeon Events are getting some much-improved survivability. Those NPCs are infamous for dying extremely quickly on higher World Tiers, making them almost impossible to keep alive — for Season 2, that should no longer be the case.
  • Traps that you can find in dungeons are going to be made less annoying, in general. They’ll have more visibility, thus being easier to avoid; but when you do get caught in one, it won’t be as bad anymore, since they’ll also crowd control your character for less time.
  • Objectives are generally rearranged: they’ll now be placed along the critical path, meaning that most dungeon runs will allow you to go straight to the boss, finding objectives along the way, and with less backtracking. Hopefully the occasions where you find dead ends and waste time will become much rarer.
  • Certain Nightmare Dungeon affixes have been made less deadly, no longer instantly killing your character.
  • Finally, upon completing Nightmare Dungeons, the amount of XP you get for Paragon Glyphs will be increased, making leveling them less of a grind — an extremely welcome change.

The list is certainly capable of making us excited. Season 2 is bringing improvements to many areas of the game, such as mounts, inventory management, and other things — and since dungeon-running is such a crucial part of the Diablo 4 experience, it’s great to see that it’s getting some love as well.

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