“…That sword,” sigh 11 remaining denizens of Silithus

One of the more memorable moments leading up to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s launch came a few months back when Ion Hazzikostas was asked about a certain impossible-to-miss sword sticking out of Silithus. His response at the time was, “What sword?” Well — after some important investigative journalism — it turns out there is, in fact, still a sword in Silithus on the Dragonflight alpha.
In all seriousness, though, Ion did clarify that we won’t really be seeing much in the way of updates when it comes to content not around the Dragon Isles. That big sword (still) sticking out of the ground? It’s basically just “a big splinter” at this point:
While I’m always excited to see the old world get some love (see: Arathi/Darkshore in BFA), it’s not exactly surprising that a sword from two expansions ago isn’t the major focus right now. After all, if we follow normal human rules, pulling the sword out without trained professionals present more cause more harm than good.
In the meantime, I hope the remaining folks in Silithus continue to make the most of a bad situation. I mean, hey, maybe the sword could work as some fine real estate! If you put a house on top of that thing, that’s a better view than you’re gonna get in most places on Azeroth (but deliveries might be tricky).
Then again, maybe by the end of Dragonflight, we’ll have a whole bunch of dragons on our side who will know how to properly heal the planet and we won’t have to ponder the real estate value atop a giant sword.
Originally posted July 14, 2022. Updated November 3, 2023.
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