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WoW ClassicFeb 20, 2024 10:00 am CT

All skill books in WoW Season of Discovery and where to find them — including new skill books added in Phase 4!

In WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2, Blizzard added skill books players can earn for their classes that boost certain hallmark abilities of each class, giving them a little more impact. While rune abilities mix up some of the basic class fundamentals and roles, giving players more variety in how they play, the skill books function separately from rune abilities and therefore don’t have the one engraving per item slot restriction, but both ability systems still work in tandem with them quite well. Ahead of Phase 4, certain runes were converted into skill books giving certain class abilities another boost heading into the last phase of the season.

If you want to acquire the skill books originally released in Phase 2, you can get them from three Phase 2 dungeons: all wings of Scarlet Monastery (Level 26-35), Razorfen Downs (Level 37-47), or Uldaman (Level 40-45). In dungeons the skill books have two drop sources: any mob enemy and certain bosses or rare elites have a chance to drop a skill book for your class.

Alternatively, you can purchase the Phase 2 skill books and newly converted Phase 4 skill books from two newly comissioned vendors: Milton Sheaf in the Stormwind Keep library (coordinates 74, 76) for Alliance players and Zor Lonetree in the Valley of Wisdom (coordinates 39, 38) in Orgrimmar.

For now, here are the skill books you can earn for your classes and which dungeons and bosses have a chance at dropping them, as well as how much they cost at the vendors if you choose to buy them instead!


Leaflet of Enhanced Restoration (Level 25)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver
  • Scarlet Monastery
    • Graveyard — All bosses and rares
    • Library — All bosses
    • Armory — All bosses
    • Cathedral — All bosses
  • Razorfen Downs — Glutton, Amnennar the Coldbringer
  • Uldaman — Ironaya, Revelosh

Leaflet of Deeper Wilds (Level 25)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver
  • Scarlet Monastery
    • Graveyard — All bosses and rares
    • Library — All bosses
    • Armory — All bosses
    • Cathedral — All bosses
  • Razorfen Downs — Tuten’kash, Glutton, Mordresh Fire Eye

Leaflet of Revive (Level 25)


Scroll of Shadowfiend (Level 25)

Scroll of Increased Fortitude (Level 25)


Grimoire of Soul Harvesting (Level 25)

Grimoire of Portal Summoning (Level 25)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver
  • Scarlet Monastery
  • Uldaman — Ironaya

Grimoire of Fel Armor (Level 50)

  • Cost: 4 gold, 50 silver


Handbook of Commanding Shout (Level 25)

Handbook of Meathook (Level 40)

  • Cost: 2 gold, 80 silver


Revelation of Shamanistic Rage (Level 10)

  • Cost: 45 silver

Revelation of Totemic Projection (Level 25)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver
  • Scarlet Monastery


Testament of the Exorcist (Level 10)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver

Testament of Enhanced Blessings (Level 25)


Manual of Redirect (Level 25)

Manual of Atrophic Poison (Level 60)

  • Cost: 4 gold, 50 silver

Manual of Number Poison (Level 60)

  • Cost: 4 gold, 50 silver

Manual of Occult Poison (Level 60)

  • Cost: 4 gold, 50 silver

Manual of Sebacious Poison (Level 60)

  • Cost: 4 gold, 50 silver


Tome of Expanded Intellect (Level 25)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver
  • Scarlet Monastery
    • Graveyard — All bosses and rares
    • Library — All bosses
    • Armory — All bosses
  • Razorfen Downs — Tuten’kash


Treatise on the Heart of the Lion (Level 10)

  • Cost: 1 gold, 80 silver

Treatise on Aspect of the Viper (Level 25)

Originally published on February 20, 2024. Updated on July 9, 2024. 

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