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Overwatch 2 > TV & MoviesMar 7, 2024 1:39 pm CT

Cowboy Bebop Overwatch 2 crossover, best collab since chocolate met peanut butter, is launching March 12

It was heavily teased in Overwatch 2‘s Season 9 announcement trailer, but we now have a full look at the collaboration between the popular team shooter and the anime, which will be in-game March 12. But before we get too in-depth as to what to expect from this mini-event, I simply have to insist that you set the proper ambiance by listening to Cowboy Bebop‘s iconic theme song, Tank!, while you read this post.

If you don’t have it cued, luckily they put it in the animated trailer for the event, which all but mirrors the original show’s open frame-by-frame, so you might want to start watching.

While Cassidy cast as Spike was a no-brainer, and as such Ashe as Faye was fairly likely, fans were debating who the other character skins would be, and the trailer gives out a lot of answers. Sombra will be skinned as Ed, and Mauga will get a Jet Black skin. Wrecking Ball is getting a skin themed after everyone’s favorite corgi Ein, and all players will be able to earn that one for free during the event.

In addition, there will be the usual complement of sprays, charms, and other doodads we’ve come to expect from Overwatch 2 events. I’d have to think that the most popular items other than the skins will be the voice lines, especially since so many of the iconic ones from the show fit so well with these characters. I’m hoping to nab, “whatever happens, happens,” in Cassidy’s drawl, but if not, well, I guess whatever happens, happens.

Blizzard has given us a look at the new skins in a new trailer which also uses the same Tank! soundtrack, but instead of the fun anime of the initial trailer, it uses in-game footage to really showcase the skins. While Ashe seems the most dead-on accurate, they’re all pretty close. My personal favorite is definitely Wrecking Ball Ein.

The only detail that’s still unknown: how much this is gonna run you.

See you soon, space cowboys.

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