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The QueueMar 7, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: Lion hugs

Sometimes I just stop and marvel at the way the Diablo 4 team worked our characters into the in-game cinematics. There’s my character up there, confronting Lilith. It’s not just Lilith monologuing, it’s not Tyrael blowing up the Worldstone or Baal breaking a man’s brain, it’s me. The character I’ve been playing all game is the one we get to see step up, and she’s a fully customized, distinct looking figure.

And they even managed to capture how utterly done with Lilith’s whole deal she is.


An underground cave filled with water nope, not in thhis space/time continuum. I’d rather do away with mounts totally and walk all over Azeroth. Biggest problem with water is melee fighting. Facing gets wonkey and the mob is beating you to death while you get in a position to hit.

Random Matt thoughts:

  • Would people play a zone that was a completely submerged underwater zone, but had them wearing something like an underwater dive suit that kept them on solid surfaces? Maybe could walk up walls and on ceilings, but couldn’t actually detach from a solid surface, so that all the enemies had to come down to you to fight?
  • I’m listening to Fall Out Boy. On purpose. In 2024. How? Why?
  • I’m really sorry that the new Aquaman movie is apparently not very good, because frankly I liked the first one more than I expected to. And man, I’d love an underwater experience that made me feel like that final battle when the Kaiju showed up and Arthur had whales eating people.
  • Put on your war paint!


Ugh. Was doing a lot of edits to an image.
I was about to close the program, when I saw one more edit I’d like to make.
*You haven’t saved yet… do you want to close without saving?*
I wasn’t thinking, I just didn’t want to save yet. So I closed it without saving.
This is probably why I should always *save* properly. I got into a bad habit of quitting in order to save.

Well, you successfully got me to save this Queue just now and believe me, considering how often I’ve finished the Queue, gone to save it, and had the connection drop and the entire post vanish so that I had to start over that’s a positive takeaway from your warning. Thank you for your sacrifice. Your edits died so that mine might live.


Can you beLIEVE it’s already morning and I have to spend the next several hours at work. Ugh
every single day.

I’m going to the doctor. Again. Because that’s what my life is now.


Lions have serious just an overgrown housecat energy sometimes.

I wish all the lions in WoW had animations for lions doing things like demanding belly rubs, asking a dog for forgiveness, running over and jumping into people’s arms, licking our heads, and being total cuddle machines.

Of course, they’re also murder machines, but be honest — your housecat is, too. I have spent decades now with these cats and I’m fully aware that they love me and that they are supremely designed to kill stuff.


Late Q4tQ: Alexstrasza vs. Godzilla.

Depends on the continuity, but considering that in the Legendary Monsterverse Godzilla got so mad that Ghidora killed Mothra that he did this, I think Alexstrasza could exploit his clear weakness to mom kaiju to get him to calm down.

Okay, that’s the Queue for today, see y’all next week I hope.

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Filed Under: So Done

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