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The QueueMar 12, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: This is meow

I’m not generally much of a cat person — everyone in my house is allergic — but I can literally never pass up a half-decent pun, so here we are. Besides, digital pets count, right?

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and if the last few answers don’t make the most sense, just know we’re on kind of a tight timeline because of the benadryl.


Q4TQ: Do you think they’ll action anybody if they used this clear bug? (ed note: doing the Hearthstone event boss in Stormwind because it was spawning more quickly than intended there).

Probably not. It’s one of those cases where it’s tough to tell who’s following the blogs and trying to get a little leg up, versus who just happened to log in and do the event in the same time period. Besides, as far as I can tell everything related is cosmetic and not particularly rare as long as you run the event a few times over the next few months.

While I might expect a stern warning, I don’t think they’ll really do anything about it, no.


Q4tQ: Which has the greater odds: us seeing one of the two Hero Talent trees for Shadow, or us seeing any of the Hero Talents for Shaman this Friday?

Apologies to my Shaman Watchers, but it’s such a meme at this point I hope they don’t say anything and then release a huge sizzle reel a la Hearthstone‘s Duels all about Shaman specs.

Maybe that’s why they haven’t made a single, solitary peep about it yet? Maybe? This could be an attempt to manifest something super cool and unique and fun for Shaman moreso than a serious answer, honestly.


Very early QftQ: If you could create a museum, what would it be for?

Honestly, The Strong Museum in Rochester, NY is my ideal museum in every way. Not only are they the home of The Video Game Hall of Fame, but they glorify play in every way, from traditional toys like board games and Barbies to their hall-of-famer, The Stick. They also have a huge butterfly museum, a small faux Wegmans, and a ton of stuff dedicated to childhood literacy and storytelling and books.

As a kid it just looks like a blast to go there and play, but as an adult, every exhibit and activity has its roots not only in fun, but also in how play can shape a child and their education. It’s truly fascinating.

Their food court sucks though.



What would a Watchie look like?

Like the cheapest set of trophies we could get in bulk and slap a sticker over the plaque. What, like we have a budget for fun???

Thanks to everyone in the last Queue who helped me pick out a whole bunch of songs with great drums in them!

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