Discoverer’s Delight XP buff will continue to help players level in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4

The Discoverer’s Delight XP buff that lets you zoom through levels in WoW Classic Season of Discovery will remain available for players of all levels in Phase 4 but will be updated once again when Phase 4 begins on July 11. In Phase 4, players level 1 – 49 you’ll get a +150% experience buff while players level 50 – 59 will get a +50% experience buff. Once you reach level 60, it looks like the buff will fall off and you’ll level it out the old fashioned way without help.
XP itself won’t be scarce in Phase 4 because there are a variety of activities for players to do — 6 dungeons (5 returning and 1 brand new one), the Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair raids, Lord Kazzerak and Azuregos as instanced raid bosses, Alterac Valley Battlegrounds, and the new Blackrock Summoning event. Discoverer’s Delight has been constantly adjusted to improve the flow of gameplay during its seasonal level-band phases so it could receive more changes after Phase 4 launches.
One of the other aspects of the Discoverer’s Delight is the increased 300% gold rewards you get that accompanies the experience buff. Right now in Phase 3, the Discoverer’s Delight gives you a +150% experience buff and +300% gold buff from levels 1 – 39 and since that level range is being increased to 49 in Phase 4, we can assume that the gold buff will remain as well. (Note that while the buff is enabled by default, if you prefer a more modest pace you can turn it off at any innkeeper.)
Blizzard also reduced costs for level 40 mounts (40 gold) and initial riding training (10 gold) to help players get their first mounts and, while they haven’t given an new update, I imagine this will stay in effect as well to help players who may be jumping back in after an extended absence. Keeping the gold buff through level 49 would also help players keep pace with the new and upgraded items coming in Phase 4, especially the Epic Mounts.
There will undoubtedly be more changes when Phase 4 arrives, so if you’re playing Season of Discovery keep an eye on our site to stay informed on all of the seasonal changes!
Originally published on February 27, 2024. Updated on June 27, 2024.
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